my week in objects (mostly).

June 12, 2020

1. this morning sunshine.

{on pillows.}

2. these green plants.

{on a clean windowsill (clean window TBA).}

3. this newly washed pile.

{of freshly puckered gauze.}

4. this work of non-fiction.

{and the almost-end of kindergarten.}

5. this perfect peony.

{and the sunlight on this, too.}

other things:

stop all lives mattering the climate crisis.

fill more, waste less.

baby names.

on the road to abolition.

reporting while black (via women who.)

whiteness can’t save us.

the case for abolition.

more democracy.

absentee nyc.

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  • Reply Kim R June 12, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    It’s such a small gesture, but what a beautiful thing for to do.

  • Reply Meg June 13, 2020 at 10:28 am

    Thanks for sharing Fill More Waste Less from Cincinnati!! I love what people are doing on the coasts but, as someone building a meaningful life in the middle, I also love to see Ohio show up.

  • Reply Laurie L June 13, 2020 at 11:27 pm

    Regarding ‘zero waste living’: I’ve been making my own vegan yoghurt from scratch for the past six years without any regret. As I write it’s currently fermenting in my Instant Pot. In the morning I’ll transfer it into two beautiful 1 litre Mason jars. Then, in a fortnight: repeat.

    Because of the pandemic, where I usually take my own food containers for refilling, the shop has stopped their ‘bring your own containers’ policy. Also, most stores where I live have closed their bulk department. That said, I’m grateful for the health food store in my town that still allows me to bring in my own container for dish washing detergent to get refilled.

  • Reply Julie July 3, 2020 at 3:20 pm

    I never took the time to thank you for introducing me to Scene on Radio when they were broadcasting season 2. The More Democracy episode from the current season is pure gold and served as a reminder that I really should thank you for all the good links and resources you share here. Thanks, Erin!

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