I usually try to let a significant amount of time elapse before revisiting a post. But I couldn’t help myself this time around. It’s spring, the birds are chirping, our bedraggled tees need something…
If you’ve found yourself feeling jealous of babies getting all the cutest things to tie around their necks, perhaps today’s post will offer you a bit of comfort. It certainly did me. In celebration…
This post is sponsored by Hauptli Haus, makers of nüscheli baby scarves. If you’ve never heard of a nüscheli, trust that you’re not entirely alone. Until recently, I was myself uninitiated. Maybe more to…
One person’s trash is another’s treasure. One person’s useless is another person’s useful . One person’s clutter is another person’s keepsake. It’s not possible to come up with a list of gifts that would be perfect for all…
in keeping with yesterday’s post about bathroom supplies, i thought it would be appropriate to round up a few lovely bathroom accessories that i wouldn’t mind displaying in my own mini water closet. just…