I like things that come in neat little packages. This is not news. If there’s something that can be tidied, or corralled, or made just a little bit nicer to look at—I’ll find a…
This post is sponsored by Esembly, a diapering system for sustainability. We’re two months into diapering our third baby in cloth and I’ve never been more glad to proselytize. If you haven’t yet converted…
1. this sprouted onion. {because sometimes neglect turns into something very lovely, don’t you think?} 2. this basket. {for making a little traveling zone for future diaper changes.} 3. these tiny rolled up candles.…
Last week, as I tend to do regularly and especially anytime I’m feeling stressed, I spent some time rearranging our linen closet. This time, instead of only folding pillowcases into neat rectangles, I also…
The diaper bag we pack for Faye is a fairly bare bones affair. Of course it’s not entirely bare bones, because life with a baby isn’t bare bones. It’s padded bones. A little messy…
five little things that made my week. 1. this birthday card. {because it’s a birthday weekend for my mom and james. which means cake.} 2. this cheese. {because it was stinky in a good…
Since maternity leave is comprised mostly of changing diapers—over and over and over again—and since I’ve finally reached the point where I can manage to juggle baby and keyboard for brief 30-minute stints (kind…
When it comes to new motherhood, the learning curve has been steep. That’s to say, it’s sometimes grueling but so swift that I pretty much always have things mostly figured out before I have…