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  • make-believe: cherry blossoms.

    We’re staying home, we’re staying masked, we’re staying far away from everyone we know (and also everyone we don’t) as we do our part to flatten the curve and slow the spread of the…

    April 27, 2020 20 Comments
  • make-believe: january sunshine.

    January. Such a paradoxical month, isn’t it? At the same time that I’m raring to start fresh and forge ahead, I’m tempted to cozy up, hunker down, and nap through the duration. You too?…

    January 10, 2018 25 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week: 1. these earrings. {to me from james. two years married last sunday.} 2. this hard drive. {and finally getting around to backing up my photos.} 3. this…

    August 8, 2014 17 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. our new oil and vinegar bottles.{because summer is coming and salads every night taste so good}. 2. an awesome easter package from my momma.{because she’s great. there was…

    April 10, 2009 22 Comments