It’s been thirty-four days since I slept in my own bed. I didn’t intend to be gone this long, I just didn’t know how easy it could be to peel dirty camp clothes off…
Last night, our thirty-year-old station wagon limped into my parents’ driveway on a slowly deflating tire. By morning, the tire was fully pancaked, pitching the rusty wagon forward like an old, loyal dog nursing…
My latest spin around the sun has officially been marked with chocolate cake and cousins, old friends and various takes on the Spaghett. We’ve had swims in the Sound and a swim in a…
I skipped making a list for July but a year after daydreaming about it, we loaded up an old station wagon with duffle bags and bumped along dirt roads. We put up a tent…
Yesterday we went to skip inside a gigantic balloon made from used plastic bags. We walked along a soggy Highline afterward. We split chocolate chip cookies and showed off our jumping skills for patient…
We have two new bedside lamps in our bedroom. I’ve been hunting for lamps to hang since we moved here in September and last week, I found them. More precisely, my favorite neighborhood shopkeepers…
Last summer, when I learned very much to my surprise that I was pregnant, I settled myself into the reality by diving into books about motherhood and parenting. Some of what I read, I’d…
1. this peanut butter and jelly. {and very easy lunches.} 2. this bandana. {and the rest of the stash.} 3. this rope-covered handle. {for being moderately quieter each time it crashes to the ground.}…
At Christmastime, two matching and pint-sized yoga mats wended their way into our apartment thanks to the foresight of a jolly old elf. The mats have since been acting as resting and stretching places…
1. these zinnias. {and their bendy stems.} 2. this un cover up. {because my dark circles needed a little love lately. this has helped.} 3. this companion. {sent from elizabeth and filled with inspiration…