This post includes affiliate links from Artifact Uprising which means Reading My Tea Leaves might earn a small commission on the goods purchased through those links. It’s getting to be that time of year when…
For consumerist dread? I like to fill this space with ideas for merry making and simple festivities, especially in this time of year. To me, conjuring a bit of reverence and a bit of…
Gift ideas for mothers, or anyone at all you love, in springtime: The most special patchworked dress for spinning in (or wood splitting). Yellow calico undies for fun. An indigo tote. The promise of…
Looking around my kitchen this morning, it struck me how many of the simple DIY gift ideas that Rose Pearlman and I have been sharing are in regular use around my own home. In…
This is one of my very favorite times of year for doing the work I do. I love spending much of the months of November and December writing and creating around the themes and…
Because ’tis the season, I put together a newsletter with past posts about gift giving. They’re not so much about the specifics of toy or treasure, but they offer a gentle guiding hand toward…
Many people feel especially motivated to lend a helping hand around the holiday season and for some folks, that might mean taking a look at their coffers (or skill sets) to see who else they might…
Gift guides are an inspiring and helpful aspect of blogland this time of year. It’s nice to read a favorite blog and learn about a new something or other that you might never have seen…
Options are nice. And experimenting with a taste of something prepared one way and a taste of that same thing prepared in an entirely different way can be an exercise in sensory exploration that’s at once…
During the holidays, and always, it’s nice to arrive to a place you’ve been invited to with a little something extra for your host. It should be known that I don’t always manage to…