A precious spice jar to fill on repeat +/or something special for seasoning. A bottle opener to last a lifetime +/or something bubbly to open. Linen terry towels for everyday luxury +/or something to soak up during…
One perfect cast iron skillet + a shortstack of cookbooks for improving someone’s dinner game. A pom-pom hat to finish before spring. A maple hand loom + some roving for passing a long quiet winter. A mason…
In the same spirit as the kid’s guide from earlier this week, here’s a list of ideas for gifts to give grownups. The specifics here aren’t as important as the general notion that gifts don’t…
First of all, I’d like to mention that I’m on a personal campaign to resurrect the sunflower from its position as pedestrian second fiddle to all of summertime’s more fashionable fleurs. Sure, they bring to…
For anyone looking ahead to giving the fathers in their lives a little something special on Father’s Day this year, here are a few ideas for the sensitive, kind, caring, compassionate, crafty, all-around brilliant and…
There’s been a lot of talk lately about bidding adieu to 2016. And I get it. There were lots of reasons that it felt like a superlatively crappy year. If we were to mark…
Many people feel especially motivated to lend a helping hand around the holiday season and for some folks, that might mean taking a look at their coffers (or skill sets) to see who else they might…
Sock weather. I always have a hard time admitting that it’s here. I guess I just like my feet to feel free is the reason. But then suddenly it is here and I need something to…
It’s the time of year (and the time of life) when I know a lot of folks who are welcoming teeny-tinies into their lives. Two of my very best friends are expecting little guys…
‘Tis the season for wedding registries. I know. Never occurred to me that there was a season for this sort of thing, either. I write about wedding and baby registries a bit in my book…