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herbal tea

  • simple stuff: tea strainers.

    Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t read tea leaves. Not real ones anyway. Indeed, I’d prefer the leaves to stay mostly out of my tea. But I recently had folks over for dinner and,…

    February 12, 2019 32 Comments
  • make your own: linden leaf tea.

    In early summer there are linden blossoms on city trees. Yes, even as the world warms and it feels increasingly like it must also be spinning out of orbit, there is comfort to be…

    June 28, 2018 20 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week 1. this last blossom.  {because all the best things are fleeting.} 2. this second round of blooms. {smaller than the first, but twice as many.} 3. less…

    January 12, 2018 8 Comments
  • make-believe: january sunshine.

    January. Such a paradoxical month, isn’t it? At the same time that I’m raring to start fresh and forge ahead, I’m tempted to cozy up, hunker down, and nap through the duration. You too?…

    January 10, 2018 25 Comments
  • tisane de tilleul.

    a cup of linden tea on a quiet morning. the right thing for easing into the day. even better for easing out of it.…

    January 9, 2012 13 Comments
  • wintergreen.

    1. fallen black birch branches. 2. a jar. 3. boiling water. 4. honey. 5. wintergreen in a cup. good for what ails you and tasty, too.…

    December 12, 2011 7 Comments