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  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. this crate. {that i finally retrieved from my old office, and carried home with a few helpful things for the next five months.} 2. this pile of silks. {for coming through for the…

    October 18, 2019 17 Comments
  • make-believe: museum afternoon.

    I’ve never shied away from taking my kids on museum adventures, but lately I’ve found myself craving a slightly different museum experience—one that moves a little more slowly and involves a little less placating…

    January 3, 2019 8 Comments
  • shake the wintertime blues: museum hop.

    Days boasting wintry or summery extremes are my favorite ones to go museum hopping. Inside the climate-controlled walls of the museum, I can last for hours when I might otherwise succumb to frost-bite or…

    January 19, 2015 13 Comments
  • giving: experiences.

    At long last, the most minimalist of the gift guides: a little guide for giving the gift of an experience. An experience is a lovely thing to give whether the recipient is a minimalist…

    December 16, 2014 11 Comments
  • just because.

    this weekend, i took a quick trip: to see an exhibit. to stalk the city’s first signs of spring. to eat good food. to take a walk to a neighborhood i hadn’t poked about…

    April 4, 2011 12 Comments