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  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #191: The one best small space storage solution. I can’t help but click on the stories that promise me small space solutions. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve been disappointed, or, more…

    January 23, 2020 16 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. this cake. {and the three-year-old who’s told every person he sees about how his papa made it.} 2. this robe. {for being so soft.} 3. these winter colors. {they’ve been on this shelf…

    January 10, 2020 12 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #190: Gather around a table. It’s been a noticeably dark December. Not in the doom and gloom kind of way—though to be sure, there’s plenty of that to be found in the world…

    December 18, 2019 51 Comments
  • giving: a braided belt.

    Just about one year ago, Rose Pearlman and I began collaborating on simple, useful craft projects that could be easily made from inexpensive hardware store materials and that can serve a practical purpose in your home.…

    December 13, 2019 1 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. these darned socks. {heh.} 2. these wax pastels. {for doubling as face paint (even if they also inspired more than one last-minute costume change).} 3. these rain boots. {because gloomy weeks are made…

    November 1, 2019 4 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #189: Growing family, growing furniture? Open yourself to possibilities. Last year around Christmas, we hosted family for a festive morning at our place. We pushed furniture around to make space for people (twelve),…

    October 29, 2019 18 Comments
  • make your own: clay vessel.

    These clever clay catch-all vessels dreamed up by Rose Pearlman, remind me of barnacles in the very best way. And isn’t that fitting? On a dresser or shelf they can function in a similar…

    October 14, 2019 19 Comments
  • four fall decluttering projects.

    I’m not sure what kind of fall projects you might have waiting to get checked off your list, but new seasons for me mean taking a bit of time to take stock, sort through,…

    October 7, 2019 36 Comments