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  • tree pits.

    Yesterday I traded in my tired old camera for a new one. The new one is small and compact and maybe less technically robust than its predecessor, but its sensor hasn’t been worn out…

    May 10, 2023 19 Comments
  • my week in objects, mostly.

    five little things that made my week. 1. birthday packages for james. {for arriving in the nick of time.} 2. this swiss chocolate. {and james for sharing}. 3. these printed photos. {for putting on…

    November 8, 2013 7 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. this bowl of yogurt. {because of the plums and pecans}. 2. these new sneaks. {because upcoming adventuring called for them}. 3. these additions to the “kitchen” wall. {because, summer}. 4. this sweet sign.…

    August 2, 2013 19 Comments