last night, james and i watched bonnie and clyde for the first time (it was part of our “oops, there’s another iconic film we haven’t seen, better watch it now series”). blood and guts aside, i couldn’t help but swoon over faye dunaway’s wardrobe. i’m no fashionista, but if i were to choose a look to imitate this spring, i think it would have to be bonnie’s. her clothes are so spunky and strong, yet still so darn feminine (woo! women can be hotshot bank robbers too!). everything she wore just looked so gauzy, so silky, so different from the plain cotton t-shirt that i wear most days…ah, inspiration.
photo courtesy of warner brothers.
Looking chic while wielding a gun! That’s impressive!
i’m assuming you’ve heard/seen the amazing Gainsbourg/Bardot song.
Check it out… It is so… detached? pretentious? I dunno. But wonderful.
I’m embarrassed….I have to put that movie on my list as well!!
I love that you have a whole series of “oops” movies. If it makes you feel any better, this is on my list too.
This = sweet
goes to show how brilliant fashion sense or movies never go out of style!
Such great style.
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