make-believe: nap time.

January 25, 2021

I realize it was relatively recently that I was daydreaming about having a do-nothing day, but my need for rest and quiet seem insatiable these days and I am very much ready to nap. Here’s my ode to resting in the middle of a sunny winter’s afternoon. The heat is sputtering from old steam radiators and the warmth of the sun through glass is nearly enough to make me forget that it’s freezing outside.

Along with the nap and the sunshine, other things to daydream about:

A bottle vase for plunking something sweet-smelling.

A print of a new sun.

A fresh duvet cover in natural linen.

A newspaper to read at my leisure.*

A body in beeswax that just might be too good to burn.

A tea pot for company.

An open hearted blend for wishful thinking.

Poems, for escaping.



In an effort to ground this make-believing in something a bit more down to earth, here’s something to inspire a changed perspective regarding rest: Tricia Hersey founded The Nap Ministry in 2016 with the belief that “rest is a form of resistance,” especially because of the ways it disrupts capitalism and white supremacy. Through performance art, site-specific installations, community organizing, and the use of social media, The Nap Ministry names sleep deprivation as a racial and social justice issue. You can follow along via Twitter and Instagram.


* Image of the newsprint broadside from Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson; one of my favorite people to follow (and listen to) on this internet and a signer of Climate Power 2020’s open letter to the new administration: President Biden: You can be the Climate President.


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  • Reply Lindy January 25, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    It’s very interesting watching Scandinavian / (Danish most recently ) political shows in general. They have all these smaller coalition parties that have to work together. One , the environmental Climate party . It’s incredible to see the goals they have for zero waste and emissions etc for 2025 2050.. The (ghastly) mink industry responsible for mutation etc have no waste. What’s left is converted to energy. We are truly on our back foot with so many things. Hopefully w Biden we can and will advance in our thinking. In another note I lost all my hard won new work again. And have time to nap.. but I can’t relax. All so blinking worrying.

  • Reply Erin Bumgarner January 25, 2021 at 9:37 pm

    I love the nap ministry! Found then a few months ago and have been inspired since!

  • Reply Sophia January 26, 2021 at 10:39 am

    Have you gotten a hold of the book Wintering by Katherine May yet? I’m reading it now and I think you’d appreciate.

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE January 26, 2021 at 10:43 am

      I haven’t, but it’s been suggested a few times!

  • Reply annie January 27, 2021 at 12:36 pm

    thanks for highlighting dr. ayana elizabeth johnson. she is doing amazing work! i hope biden listens to her (and us). CHEERS to a climate presidency! better late than never…

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE January 27, 2021 at 1:07 pm

      love her so much!


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