
March 9, 2021

Yesterday I made pinwheels to celebrate my mom’s latest children’s book launch. Like other things ostensibly made to delight children, pinwheels are silly and sweet and also a little bit magical. In other words, they’re something an adult could get lost in playing with should they give themselves the time. I used a square of marbleized paper I’ve been hoarding for a good five years now and a square of painted paper leftover from from my color testing. This morning, when I wasn’t annoyed that I couldn’t perfectly capture their spins on video, I spent five minutes just watching them turn in the sunshine.

If anyone wants to try their hand at pinwheel making, my mom is hosting a zoom story time at 4:00 pm ET this afternoon and she’ll be leading the group in a little pinwheel-making tutorial. (And if you’d like to toss your hat in the ring, we’re giving away a copy of her breezy new book on my Instagram page.)

HEAR THE WIND BLOW is the story of a rising and falling windstorm at a place by the sea. It’s a poetic and science-based depiction of the Beaufort wind force scale with cheerful illustrations by artist, Emily Paik. As with most everything my mom makes, the book is science plus art and a hearty dash of whimsy.

If you’re around this afternoon, sign up here to join us! If you’d like to purchase a personalized copy of the book, you can order through my hometown bookstore, RJ Julia. My mom’s on her back porch as I write this, signing books to the sound of her wind chimes.

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  • Reply Emily March 9, 2021 at 6:01 pm

    I came to the reading with my daughter and we loved it 🙂 Now to find a bookstore in Canada where we can order her book. Thanks for sharing the event information Erin, it was the perfect after-forest school chill out.

    • Reply ERIN BOYLE March 9, 2021 at 6:19 pm

      Thanks so much for being there!!!

    • Reply Doe March 10, 2021 at 6:12 pm

      ‘Twas a joy to meet you, Emily!! Thank you for coming!

  • Reply Ess-Kay March 9, 2021 at 6:13 pm

    Your pinwheels are beautiful! How wonderful that you got to watch them work their magic for a bit. I’m inspired to make some for my tiny front yard and watch them spin as I try to write these next few days.

  • Reply Nicole March 9, 2021 at 10:10 pm

    Looks lovely—My kids and I are excited about this one! We live far from the coast but in tornado country, and wind is always a topic of great interest…

  • Reply Yelle March 10, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    These are so sweet, and simple. It wasnt until my own toddler was nerding out over pinwheels that I realized how charming they are. Truly, anything kinetic that interacts with the wind brings me so much joy these days – these days of being stuck inside so much. Cheers,

  • Reply cph March 11, 2021 at 9:31 pm

    I went up to our small bit of roof earlier this week for the first time since the snow melted, only to discover that an extra-large pinwheel my parents had given my kids was still spinning away, in perfect condition, deep in a planter box. Ours is less charming than yours (plastic is so rarely charming), but I am relieved and impressed that it stayed so firmly embedded all winter!

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