my week in objects (mostly).

April 9, 2021

1. these morning glories.

{and the moonflowers, too, for being a week bigger.}

2. these supplies.

{despite the world’s slowest progress.}

3. these walls et cetera.

{for looking better today than they did yesterday.}

4. these clothes.

{for being back on the line. also, that magnolia.}

5. this wheatgrass.

{for growing so tall.}

other things:


now what?

sipping on the poisoned chalice of American life.

eat a doughnut if you want to.

this one last thing.

the aapi collection.

Thanks so much for being here! If the stories, projects, and perspectives offered on Reading My Tea Leaves serve to make your day a little brighter, or your vision a little broader, or your home a little homier, please consider becoming a sustaining reader!

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  • Reply Emily Crowder April 9, 2021 at 8:43 pm

    the beauty and utility of a pre-fold reigns!

  • Reply Meredith April 11, 2021 at 12:49 pm

    Wow, thank you for the Food&Wine piece, Erin! It mirrors so much of my own experience and internal monologue. What a relieving and validating read.

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