my week in objects (mostly).

July 2, 2021

1. this self-portrait.

{on the occasion of my thirty-seventh birthday.}

2. this tote.

{and the perpetual usefulness of standing up straight.}

3. this third little letter.

{for being added to the mix.}

4. the pillowcases at grammy and grandpa’s.

{and sleeping on them.}

5. the honeysuckle at grammy and grandpa’s.

{because summertime.}

other things:

an antidote secreted away in my pocket.

not a personal problem.

a sea of fallen sparks.

joining my seven-year-old in a love bike shorts.


cardamom coffee.

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  • Reply Sarah July 2, 2021 at 12:50 pm

    A belated Happy Birthday, dear Erin!

  • Reply Auberie July 2, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    Avec un jour de retard, je te souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire!
    Je lis toujours ton blog et tes écrits avec plaisir et tes photos me font du bien. Merci d’être présente dans ce petit coin sur l’Internet mondial, c’est un endroit paisible dans lequel j’aime toujours autant me réfugier.

  • Reply Kathleen July 2, 2021 at 2:46 pm

    Happy Birthday – lovely self-portrait!

  • Reply Judith A Ross July 2, 2021 at 6:23 pm

    Happy Birthday! As a grandmother who missed a year of her granddaughter’s life due to the pandemic, my heart swells with joy when I read about time spent with grandparents. That cake looked delicious!

    Many happy returns,
    “Glam-ma” Judith

  • Reply Ramona July 2, 2021 at 6:34 pm

    1. Sweet 2. Sweet 3.Sweet 4. Sweet 5.Sweet p.s. Have a sweet weekend!

  • Reply Cussot July 3, 2021 at 4:31 pm

    Should we embroider some replica pillowcases? The pattern looks simple enough. Let’s call it “Grandflowers.”

  • Reply ganching July 4, 2021 at 6:28 am

    Belated happy birthday.

  • Reply Zsuzsa July 4, 2021 at 11:35 am

    Oh, that cardamom coffee sounds delish! Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply Sophia July 8, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    Self portrait! Love love love.

  • Reply Mackenzie July 8, 2021 at 3:29 pm

    Happy birthday Erin! I hope you had a wonderful day 🙂

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