Just a few non-essentials for a carefree walk under the cherry blossoms. Maybe there would even be an extra hour to do a little plein air painting beneath the dancing branches. In make-believe there’s no such thing as paint-splattered whites and even in real life, who cares? We could all use a little rainbow now and again.
Overalls because more pockets = more places to bring stuff along.
A crushable hat for sun protection.
A mesh bomber, in case of cool breezes.
A foldable tote; plus a basket for good measure.
A white enamel mixing palette,
plus set of travel paint brushes,
and a handful of wiigwaasmin’aande cherry and other spring-y paintstones.
A perfect indigo and cream bandana for wrapping things up in.
Canvas high tops, with no city grime baked into them yet.
In an effort to ground this make-believing in something a bit more down to earth, here are a few other things to support:
Calling all city gardeners, if you’re in need of potting soil or compost, consider the Lower East Side Ecology Center. They sell their compost and potting soil three days a week at the Union Square Farmer’s Market and there are still a few dates available to sign up for their Free Big Apple compost distribution events this spring and summer.
If you spend a lot of time with kids, or even if you don’t, this helpful if harrowing Guide to Climate Change from the New York Times might prove helpful for broaching a critical conversation.
If you live in New York City, take 30 seconds to sign the petition to Save GrowNYC’s Zero Waste Programs.
The cherry blossoms are beautiful while still on the trees, but here in Portland, we also get pink sidewalks once the flowers fall off. Does that happen in Brooklyn, too?
yes! the best confetti there is!
We’re in Seattle, and my children call it pink snow!! They gather it in piles from the sidewalk and throw it into the air saying that it’s snowing 🙂
The art of soil is another wonderful line of watercolors.
Longing for those pink petals. We are starting to get white, but the trees are quite odoriferous.
I’ll have to look for magnolias this weekend!
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