We harvested four tiny radishes from our window box garden this week. They were yanked from the dirt before being strictly ready for pulling and eaten with an enthusiasm reserved exclusively for children who have witnessed the small miracle of watching a plant grow from seed. My kids washed their humble harvest and dipped the pink roots directly into the jar of salt we keep on the kitchen counter. They planted new seeds in the space these treasures had left behind. As ever, it seems, I’ve got gardens on my mind.
Here, a garden daydream including:
A very solid pair of umber utility pants,
and a scrappy tank (plus a small shop on a big mission).
One perfect pair of lug sole mary janes that we’ll pretend won’t get too dirty.
Favorite soap for fingernails that will.
And sunscreen I’d promise, probably, to wear.
A rosy bandana for neck tying or hair gathering,
And Camille T. Dungy’s latest, an ode to Soil and what we grow in it.
Where possible, this post includes affiliate links to online shops. Reading My Tea Leaves might earn a small commission on the goods purchased through those links.
In an effort to ground this make-believing in something much more down to earth, here’s something to do today:
Eighty percent of incarcerated women are parents. Let’s get them home for Mother’s Day. Every year since 2017, National Bail Out has coordinated tactical bail outs nationwide to free as many Black mothers and caregivers as possible so that they can spend Mother’s Day with their families.
National Bail Out is a Black-led and Black-centered collective of abolitionist organizers, lawyers, and activists building a community-based movement to support Black communities entangled in the criminal punishment system and shrink the prison industrial complex’s power, scope, and resources.
Help National Bail Out reach its fundraising goal of $500K to #FreeBlackMamas by making your donation before Mother’s Day on May 14.
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