1. this mesh bag.

{for sparking an idea.}
2. watermelon.

{on repeat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.}
3. this present.

{to replace the one lost to summer camp.}
4. these strawflowers.

{for sticking around.}
5. these disembodied legs.

{cause keeping this old girl running is not for the faint of heart.}
other things:
how to help: maui.
HOUSEKEEPING! As a reminder, this summer I started sending longer versions of some posts and hosting subscriber-only threads and a lively comments section for paid subscribers of my newsletter TEA NOTES. I’m hopeful this new model will allow for my work to be truly user-supported in a way that’s more sustainable for me longterm. If you’ve enjoyed the last fourteen years of posts on this blog, I’d be so grateful for your support on TEA NOTES. If a paid subscription isn’t in the cards for you right now, please consider sharing my newsletter with a friend! Three referrals gets you one-month free! (Twenty-five gets you a whole year!)
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