Tip #13: Buy baskets with lids.
maybe this doesn’t seem like a very good tip, but i’m telling you, it’s useful.
before we moved into this apartment, james and i had about 10 different baskets. we used them to stuff throw blankets and winter hats. one was reserved for onions, and their ever acculumating peels, and another held cloth napkins and pot holders. each of them was totally serviceable but when it came time to move, they were the first things to go into the tag sale pile. if you tallied up their total square footage, i bet it’d be around 10. and we couldn’t spare to lose even one square foot around these parts.
last week i found a basket whose presence in our tiny space was justified. in fact, its uses are manifold: hider of the new york times weekender by day, resting spot for a hot cuppa by night and picnic basket for any old time that we find a minute to enjoy the great outdoors.
nota bene: i gave the lid a quick wash with a paint brush and some grey paint. i had to cover an unfortunate apple tree stencil and i like the look of a light brush stroke.
Love the paint color. That basket is destined for many a romantic outing.
Brilliant. Now that the hubs has finished his grad schooling for the year in Beantown and has moved back into our comfortable-for-one, cosy-for-two, PACKED-for-two-humans-and-two-dogs apartment, baskets with lids sound prudent. Very prudent indeeeeed.
What a great idea. I love the gray paint lightly brushed on top. Baskets are so handy and practical.
Great idea. I love that mug too! Heath?
interesting idea. i'd probably us ermine to store magazines and catalogs in the living room near the sofa. it could double as a resting place when covered. thanks!
stencils so often are unfortunate…! we love baskets in our household, and trunks and chests – necessities in victorian terraces without built-ins!
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