Just about one year ago, Rose Pearlman and I began collaborating on simple, useful craft projects that could be easily made from inexpensive hardware store materials and that can serve a practical purpose in…
It’s a project-heavy week for a project-heavy season, so buckle up, my friends. Today Rose and I are sharing a project for anyone wanting a new hobby (the winter is long! new hobbies are…
At Christmastime, two matching and pint-sized yoga mats wended their way into our apartment thanks to the foresight of a jolly old elf. The mats have since been acting as resting and stretching places…
In New York City there tend to be two types of closets: the ones that are too small and the ones that are non-existent. In this extremely simple project, Rose Pearlman solves for both.…
It’s a habit shift, it’s apartment progress, it’s baby proof in a family where the youngest baby is a walking, talking two-year-old calling her dad…Jimmy. It’s a stainless steel water dispenser, otherwise known as…
We’ve been wanting to find a simple easel for our art-loving kiddos, but we needed something that wouldn’t take up much room in our tiny apartment and that wouldn’t require drilling any more holes…
Looking around my kitchen this morning, it struck me how many of the simple DIY gift ideas that Rose Pearlman and I have been sharing are in regular use around my own home. In…
It’s the first of December, Giving Tuesday, the start of the the advent countdown, and ten days until the first night of Hanukkah. For many, it’s a season of gift giving and gift making…
Just about one year ago, Rose Pearlman and I began collaborating on simple, useful craft projects that could be easily made from inexpensive hardware store materials and that can serve a practical purpose in your home.…
Just about one year ago, Rose Pearlman and I began collaborating on simple, useful craft projects that could be easily made from inexpensive hardware store materials and that can serve a practical purpose in your home.…