
  • natural beauty: bar soap, part two.

    That I enjoy lathering up with bar soap is hardly news. I could receive bars of freshly cut handmade soap for every birthday from now until the day I die and I’d be happy. Nothing quite…

    September 11, 2017 50 Comments
  • habit shift: sunscreen.

    I’m just a little less than two weeks from turning thirty-three. Yes, I’m feeling old. And vain.  Enter sunscreen. It’s no newsflash that I should be wearing it. Skin cancer rates are startling. The…

    June 19, 2017 202 Comments
  • celebrating simplicity with stowaway.

    This post is sponsored by Stowaway; makeup essentials in sizes you can carry.My great great Aunt Ruth was a woman with a proper dressing table. You might be familiar with the sort of table she…

    December 13, 2016 14 Comments
  • make your own: sea salt scrub.

    The likelihood that this post offers the majority of readers anything truly revelatory is slim. But I’m not looking to be revelatory. I’m just looking to remind you all to take a few minutes and…

    October 5, 2016 30 Comments
  • a summertime giveaway with stowaway.

    This post is sponsored by Stowaway, makers of makeup essentials in sizes you can carry and actually finish.I’m not one to wax expert on cosmetics, but you already know that I stand on the side of less…

    August 23, 2016 41 Comments
  • healthy nails | reading my tea leaves

    healthy natural nails with hortūs nailworks.

    I mentioned in this weekend’s newsletter that I’d spent a little quality pampering time in the Lower East Side gem of a nail salon, Hortūs Nailworks. The salon carries a whole range of five-free polishes,…

    April 6, 2016 29 Comments
  • spring cleaning with stowaway.

    This post is sponsored by Stowaway, a right-sized cosmetics company.The magnolias are going gangbusters. The daffodils have unfurled. It’s not warm out exactly, but I’ve sped up the arrival of spring in my apartment…

    March 30, 2016 33 Comments
  • glowing winter skin with jessa blades.

    It’s the time of year for looking in the mirror and hoping my salty tears might provide enough moisture to put a little glow back into my dry cheeks. (Sad February-ers, unite. It’s almost…

    February 29, 2016 21 Comments
  • natural beauty: cheek color.

    If I was tasked to come up with names for makeup, I’d call my favorite cheek color Snow Day Pink. Forget all those flower names.Maybe this is strange to say, but I feel especially…

    February 2, 2016 40 Comments
  • diy essentials from s.w. basics

    This post is sponsored by S.W. Basics, a skincare company that believes “simplicity is the essence of awesome.”In my book, I’ve written a bit about the idea that in the quest for simplicity, it’s…

    December 8, 2015 6 Comments