1. these pockets. {and filling them.} 2. this oatmeal. {and the extra big bowlful.} 3. these well-loved gardening supplies. {and eager planters very ready for spring.} 4. this card game. {and one late night…
There’s an old phone jack for a landline telephone on the wall of our dining room. It’s a few inches from the doorframe that goes into our kitchen and I have every confidence that…
1. these bodega daffs. {had to be done.} 2. this wonky basket. {because i made it.} 3. these old magnet letters. {and a place to stick them.} 4. this hand-stitched curtain. {hanging on a…
1. these shoots. {and urging on spring.} 2. this clean-up. {well, mostly the sweets.} 3. this hook. {for sweaters and other things.} 4. my mom’s old loom. {and a selection of less-bright loops.} 5.…
In a very vintage bathroom, my motto is to leave well enough alone. If you’ve ever looked for a rental apartment in an old building you’ll know this is not everyone’s motto. Partially renovated…
1. we’re in a ring moment. {and these have been very sweet for tiny fingers.} 2. this favorite bag from a favorite friend. {for somehow matching everything.} 3. this “vintage” tea set. {and being…
Of all the things to send me over the edge, you might not suspect that the greasy waxed paper around a crumb-covered knob of butter would be the thing. Or perhaps you’ve been around…
We have a wall-to-wall painted canvas floorcloth in our dining slash living room. I painted it myself last fall and while I’d love to take credit for the idea, painted canvas floorcloths predate me…
1. this chair. {and fixing it.} 2. this stack. {and offering it.} 3. this bubbly water. {and our first delivery of a brooklyn delicacy.} 4. these hearts. {and stringing them up.} 5. this charger…
Here’s a specific post with an evergreen takeaway: find the solution that works for you and your space. In our old apartment, we kept our shoes wrangled in a basket and a crate that…