
  • tiny garden: june growth check.

    I can’t decide. Is writing a mid-June garden update the hobby gardener’s equivalent of sending around a holiday letter? Regaling weary family members with stories of your basil’s first shoot the way someone else…

    June 11, 2015 16 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #123: It’s hip to be square. Or, consider a square table for a tiny space. To be clear, this is a tip for small spaces, not teeny tiny spaces. Sometimes I hesitate to…

    June 10, 2015 25 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. this crate. {for being faye’s favorite new place to sit.} 2. the two little pots. {for being just the right size. more soon.} 3. this dish…

    June 5, 2015 4 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #122: Skip the coffee table. We don’t own a coffee table. We had one in our very first apartment in North Carolina—a funky little table that a neighbor gave us for free. It…

    June 3, 2015 32 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. these peonies. {for smelling so sweet even as they wilted before my very eyes.} 2. this tractor and cart. {because every baby girl needs a farm…

    May 29, 2015 10 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. these pots. {because sometimes the light’s just right.} 2. these ice cubes. {because i’m not a huge ice girl, but ’tis the season for a little…

    May 22, 2015 12 Comments
  • tiny tip: keeping lilacs fresh.

    How do you keep lilacs alive, you ask? Pour them a drink, is the short answer. Help them to drink it, is the longer one. In Brooklyn the lilacs are already just about on…

    May 21, 2015 9 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #121: Unmake your bed. No, under make your bed. Makeunder your bed? I get a lot of questions from readers about how to make a bed. Not the pulling up of sheets and tucking…

    May 20, 2015 43 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1. these may flowers. {from my mama’s garden.} 2. this wild mane. {because starting the week in western new york was a nice little change. and now…

    May 15, 2015 19 Comments
  • tiny library: dept. of speculation

    Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill Five words: Endearing. Heartbreaking. Raw. Poignant. Human. Plus a few more: This came recommended by a few of you here and it was so good. Heartbreakingly good. Sharp-intakes-of-breath…

    May 14, 2015 14 Comments