Camille Storch | Wayward SparkThe tagline of Camille’s blog is “Genuine, seasonal Americana” and it’s one of my favorite spots on the internet. If you’ve ever wanted to know the ins and outs of…
Kate Oliver | Birch & PineOver the past year, Kate Oliver and her wife, Ellen Prasse, have painstakingly taken a 1950s Airstream trailer from mouse-infested and rotting to bright white, clean, and decidedly modern.…
There are eleven weeks until my book wends its way onto shelves and bedside tables and gets tucked into backpacks. (Here’s hoping.)Truth be told, I’ve never been much of a pre-orderer. I’ll wait, I’ve…
Chelsea Fuss | Frolic! Chelsea’s blog, Frolic!, was one of the first that I ever read. Her approachable and beautiful space is unique on the internet and a visual feast where the feast is…
A quick note to whet your appetite for a new series that I’ve been working on this fall. While I was writing my book last winter, I spent a lot of time thinking about…
But books and babies both take a while to find their way to you. There’s that early period of waiting. The same semi-hopefulness that burbles somewhere at the very top of your belly but…