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  • family camping trip: doing it (redux).

    Camping was glorious and I’ve only by miracle and mild coercion managed to excavate the dirt from my children’s curling toenails. Camping was grueling and we woke up every morning to the call of…

    July 26, 2022 59 Comments
  • make-believe: glamping.

    At the end of August we’re packing up a borrowed car and heading up to Maine for a few nights of camping—Grammy, Grandpa, cousins, aunties, and uncles included. We’ll be a motley crew, but…

    July 31, 2019 7 Comments
  • out and about: mount desert island.

    We spent the first half of our trip to Maine exploring Mount Desert Island. There’s so much that’s lovely to see on the island that you hardly need a guide, but we made it…

    August 19, 2015 13 Comments
  • family camping trip: doing it.

    Once you’re in the woods with mosquitoes, and middle-of-the-night rainstorms, and things that go bump, all of your planning gets put to the test, quickly. Here’s a little rundown of how our first official…

    August 18, 2015 32 Comments
  • points north.

    We’re back at it here in Brooklyn but our hearts are still very much still in balsam-scented Maine. I’m working on a few posts for this week to share some of the favorite spots…

    August 17, 2015 17 Comments
  • traveling tea leaves.

    In the spirit of powering down, refreshing the spirit and the senses, and finding a little breathing room to explore the wide world, things will be a little quiet in this space until we’re…

    August 5, 2015 1 Comments
  • natural beauty: camp essentials.

    It goes without saying, when it comes to beauty basics and camping the emphasis is on the natural. As in au natural. As in, nada. As in, just the fresh air and morning dew…

    August 4, 2015 2 Comments
  • family camping trip: planning.

    We’ve finally settled on a destination. Maine. It’s not a place we’ve never been, but it is a place that we like to return to, and besides, everything’s new with a Junebug along for…

    July 27, 2015 39 Comments
  • make-believe: family camping trip

    If watching other people’s home videos wasn’t the world’s most boring activity, I’d subject you to the videos that my parents took of our family trips. Four girls and two relentlessly good spirited parents…

    August 26, 2014 19 Comments