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  • spring cleaning with stowaway.

    This post is sponsored by Stowaway, a right-sized cosmetics company.The magnolias are going gangbusters. The daffodils have unfurled. It’s not warm out exactly, but I’ve sped up the arrival of spring in my apartment…

    March 30, 2016 33 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1 .this tiny backpack. {for carrying precious cargo.}2. this not-quite-as-tiny-backpack.{for being just what i needed afterall.}3. this bottle milk.{for being there on our first california morning.}4. this vase of daffodils.{for…

    March 4, 2016 22 Comments
  • make your own: upholstery cleaner.

    Upholstery might be a slightly grand word for the bit of cotton canvas stretched over a 70 year-old wooden frame, but no matter. I’ve also used this same combination of simple dish soap and…

    April 30, 2015 21 Comments
  • growing a minimalist wardrobe: step 4

    Step Four: Care For Your Clothes You’ve painstakingly grown your minimalist wardrobe using steps ONE, TWO, and THREE. Now you need to take care of the clothes in your limited collection. No pressure. Before I…

    October 9, 2014 14 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #100: Don’t be afraid to display scrub brushes. Did you see that little number up there? 100 tips? Seems like a pretty big number for a blog about something so tiny, doesn’t it?…

    April 16, 2014 14 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #93: Keep a razor blade handy. When moving into a tiny apartment my number one, couldn’t-live-without tool is the humble razor blade. Beyond being useful for cutting through tape on box after box…

    February 19, 2014 13 Comments
  • life in a tiny apartment.

    Tip #61: It doesn’t matter how tiny your apartment is, if you share it with someone, divvy up the housework. Without going into all the mushy details about how we met on a tiny…

    April 24, 2013 26 Comments
  • spring cleaning.

    i’ve been trying my best to incorporate these old standards into my cleaning routine. essential oil. baking soda. vinegar. and elbow grease. suffice it to say, vinegar is a miracle worker. for recipes, humor,…

    March 30, 2011 9 Comments