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  • borrowed words.

    Put down that bag of potato chips, that white bread, that bottle of pop. Turn off that cellphone, computer, and remote control. Open the door, then close it behind you. Take a breath offered…

    April 22, 2019 5 Comments
  • make/do: for earth day.

    Becoming a parent has made me realize just how much of young childhood is centered around the seasons and celebrating them. (Thank goodness.) Of course, celebrating seasonal change was already very much my bag,…

    April 18, 2018 22 Comments
  • borrowed words.

    Faye and flowers and these words: …These obligations sometimes frustrated Carson, but not half as much as they frustrate her biographers. For Lear, the author of “Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature” (1997) and the…

    April 16, 2018 11 Comments