On the evening that we arrived in Saint-Malo, the light made the city glow like a colorized old-timey postcard. You know the ones? Everything cast in a pale yellow or green-blue or washed-out gray.…
Here’s a donkey apropos of nothing at all. But isn’t it fuzzy and cute? I think we could all use an extra dose of that today. I’m working with the French national tourism site,…
We’ve been singing rounds of Wheels on the Bus, except instead of rousing odes to wheels and windows and wipers, we’re celebrating a rowdy bus of animals: cows and doggies and fish, if you’d like to know.…
five little things that made my week.1. this door. {because what’s better than a door that opens in half?}2. these roses.{brought to me by our neighbor for the next few weeks.}3. these other roses.{and…
This is partially an ode to my favorite road trip pastime of sitting shotgun and pointing out places to pull off the road and gather wildflowers. And partially an ode to the ability to…
We’re checking the days off the calendar and somehow it’s feeling more and more unreal that we’re bound for France in just two weeks. (Ack!) We’ll be staying a few nights in Paris when…