This post includes affiliate links from Artifact Uprising which means Reading My Tea Leaves might earn a small commission on the goods purchased through those links. It’s getting to be that time of year when…
For consumerist dread? I like to fill this space with ideas for merry making and simple festivities, especially in this time of year. To me, conjuring a bit of reverence and a bit of…
Here’s some inspiration for gift giving for the smaller set: things to play with, things to make with, things to add a bit of wonder and a bit of magic to a long winter…
Here’s some inspiration for gift giving that offers a bit in the way of comfort and cozy, and that extends an invitation for getting out of your head and into your body. These gifts…
1. this crescent moon of a pillow. {for getting here. for smelling so good. for making sleep so much more comfortable.} 2. this glass knob. {and the cabinet it’s attached to, rescued from a…
Just about one year ago, Rose Pearlman and I began collaborating on simple, useful craft projects that could be easily made from inexpensive hardware store materials and that can serve a practical purpose in your home.…
This is one of my very favorite times of year for doing the work I do. I love spending much of the months of November and December writing and creating around the themes and…
For use on Easter, or anytime, here’s a simple project to make your own papier-mâché basket or bowl from a little water, a little flour, and a few recycled materials you probably have around…
File this under something I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull off, but here I am, alive to tell the tale and not having suffered a crafting-induced hissy fit four days before Christmas. (Mostly!) In case you’re looking for something handmade to…
When I first posted about our plans for a clutter-free advent calendar, Faye was a wee thing of 19-months. That original list of holiday activities has all the hallmarks of a family with one…