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  • apartment dreams: a black & white kitchen.

    I’m taking a page from my dear friend LaTonya who helped pull me out of a funk by reminding me there’s value just in letting myself daydream. After last week’s ironing board unveiling, I’ve…

    May 18, 2021 9 Comments
  • office board & old souvenirs

    we took a stroll through the met this weekend and stumbled upon these paintings in the new american wing. i’m sure i don’t have to explain my love for them to all of you. you…

    February 20, 2012 13 Comments
  • perseverance.

    yesterday on my walk to class i spotted these sweet little guys finding any which way to grow. so tiny. so unbothered by the looming mass of stone and brick above and below them.…

    April 12, 2011 18 Comments