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  • may minutes.

    Time and its passing have become even more strange and amorphous than they are in the best of circumstances. It was only just the middle of winter and somehow we find ourselves nearly to…

    May 11, 2020 13 Comments
  • rhubarb lilac spritzer.

    I won’t forget the first time that I was in France as a young teenager and I witnessed kids my age pouring mint syrup into flat tap water at a sidewalk café. The result was green…

    May 16, 2016 14 Comments
  • tiny tip: keeping lilacs fresh.

    How do you keep lilacs alive, you ask? Pour them a drink, is the short answer. Help them to drink it, is the longer one. In Brooklyn the lilacs are already just about on…

    May 21, 2015 9 Comments
  • supplies.

    just got back from a few days away, spent trying to prepare for a pretty exciting change. more on that when everything’s firmed up. for now, a few outtakes from flower arrangements i made…

    May 13, 2011 10 Comments