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organic cotton

  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. this not-for-pregnant-people-only sweatsuit. 2. this wreath. 3. this #$^*!@% comb. 4. this repurposed daycare art. 5. this body stone. other things: what’s for dinner? (especially)! eating acorns. the trees of new york. strawberry…

    December 9, 2022 6 Comments
  • nuscheli baby scarves from hauptli haus.

    This post is sponsored by Hauptli Haus, makers of nüscheli baby scarves. If you’ve never heard of a nüscheli, trust that you’re not entirely alone. Until recently, I was myself uninitiated. Maybe more to…

    March 27, 2018 17 Comments
  • growing a minimalist wardrobe: sleepwear.

    I’ve been sleeping in my underwear for the last month because it’s summertime and in summertime I sleep in my undies. But before I actually climb into bed, between the hours of, say, 8pm and…

    July 26, 2017 49 Comments
  • bedtime rituals with hanna andersson.

    This post is sponsored by Hanna Andersson, maker of some of our family’s favorite organic cotton pajamas. Bedtime is my favorite time of day with my family. I don’t say that only because I’m…

    May 16, 2017 24 Comments
  • growing a minimalist wardrobe: sweatshirts

    The ultimate minimalist wardrobe trick? Feeling comfortable in your own skin, er, sweatshirt. I’ve said before that the biggest indicator of whether something is going to have staying power in my wardrobe is its…

    March 21, 2017 43 Comments
  • new for spring from tradlands.

    This post is sponsored by Tradlands, a women’s clothing brand specializing in button-up shirts made in the USA.Just in time for weather that feels like spring, a new lightweight coat and seven organic shirts from Tradlands. Reading My…

    April 19, 2016 15 Comments
  • growing a minimalist wardrobe: blue jeans.

    September seems like the right time to talk about blue jeans. My jeans absoutely, positively do the hardest work in my closet. When we’re not experiencing extreme temperatures, I wear them four or five—even…

    September 1, 2015 33 Comments
  • baby proof: gender-neutral colors.

    James and I made our first baby purchase two weeks ago when we bought this impossibly tiny onesie in an innocuous shade of cappuccino brown.Rehashing the problems with the old ‘blue is for boys’ and ‘pink…

    April 15, 2014 54 Comments
  • make-believe: spring linens and other things.

    After yesterday’s post about my sleepless night, I’ve got sleep and bedrooms on my mind. While my nighttime dreams may be lackluster lately, my daydreams have been as active as ever. I’ve been scheming…

    March 14, 2013 11 Comments