I suppose I’d say I had a blue in mind that was more Araucana chicken egg than robin egg. Something a hint softer and a touch lighter than this color turned out to be?…
I wrote this piece from my home office with two kids and James nursing the last of their sniffles on the other side of the door. I’m eternally grateful for this little room and…
Our landlord came by yesterday with his van full of hand planes and chisels and other things he figured we might need in order to hang the antique door I came into last week.…
This post is sponsored by Brooklinen. Carving out a second bedroom in this new apartment has been one of the most restorative projects of the past year. Before we moved in September, it had…
1. this paintbrush comb. {best hardware store purchase in awhile.} 2. this old basket. {newly “baby proofed” up high.} 3. this lamp. {back in its home.} 4. this bun. {only slightly more complicated a…
Farrow & Ball supplied the paint and a complimentary Colour Consultation with one of their Colour Consultants for this post. All opinions are my own. When we moved into this apartment in September, every…
My hands—and the baseboards in my bedroom—are covered in white paint. Making slow painting progress on this apartment while tuning into live coverage of national news is a thing that I’ve taken to doing.…
Our bags and our boxes are unpacked. Our furniture has been pushed and pulled into place. We’re ostensibly all moved in over here, but the truth is we’re still firmly in the neither here…
As a kid, I kept my most special art supplies in an old wine box, with a hinged top and a latch that always went askew. Watercolors and modeling wax and chalky pastels all…
It’s a chief joy of mine to find something that someone else discarded and to make it mine. One woman’s trash becomes another’s treasure and not much of anything goes to waste. With the…