Tip #122: Skip the coffee table. We don’t own a coffee table. We had one in our very first apartment in North Carolina—a funky little table that a neighbor gave us for free. It…
Tip #121: Unmake your bed. No, under make your bed. Makeunder your bed? I get a lot of questions from readers about how to make a bed. Not the pulling up of sheets and tucking…
Tip #120: On Scaling Up and Living Large. Last Thursday, my dad came into the city to hang out with Faye. While she dozed in the afternoon, we used his fancy-schmancy Leica Disto Lazer…
Tip #119: Ditch the couch. Get a cot. (Do what you wanna.) We recently decided to shake things up a bit around here and go couchless. Not exactly couchless, but one couch less. I’ll explain:…
Yesterday, technically, was Earth Day. Tomorrow, technically, is Fashion Revolution Day. Today might very well be National Sparkly Shoe Day. It seems there are no shortage of days to commemorate something or other lately.…
A minimalist wardrobe is not by definition an expensive wardrobe. There are minimalist wardrobes out there that consist of five ragged t-shirts and three pairs of threadbare jeans. This wardrobe is not mine, and…
January – March 2015 Here’s an unshopping update. It’s all bare ankles and hints of spring around here lately. Thank goodness. Yesterday, unpacking from a weekend away felt like the perfect time to do…
I thought it was only fitting in a week when I wrote about breastfeeding to also write about the wardrobe needed to accommodate such a job. I realize that this post will only serve…
Tip #118: Swap the lights. As you’ve probably grasped, my general approach to living in a rental apartment tends toward making as few drastic changes as possible. (In case you need a reminder about…
It’s been a cold winter in New York, but that’s nothing especially newsworthy and I’m not one to complain about the snow. This weekend, James and I tromped around for hours in the wintry…