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  • a golden giveaway with bridge & burn.

    This post and giveaway is sponsored by Bridge & Burn, makers of classic apparel for men and women. The light in the evening lately is, in a word, glorious. When James and I steal quiet…

    July 11, 2018 6 Comments
  • make-believe: springtime

     The past week or two has felt like something of a make-believe spring in Brooklyn. We’ve had unseasonably warm days flanked by seasonably chilly ones. Bodegas are filled with daffodil blooms, tree pits are…

    March 1, 2017 16 Comments
  • make-believe: la | reading my tea leaves

    make-believe: california dreaming.

    Regarding the title: I had to. I’m sorry.This is only partially make believe. (Thank god!) I’m headed to Southern California in a few weeks, and if I sound like I’m being very casual about…

    February 17, 2016 31 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    1. these sunglasses. {because before this morning i needed them everyday this week}. 2. this sneaker sole. {because i guess it means i really need a new pair this time}. 3. this peanut butter.…

    April 5, 2013 23 Comments