I’ll write more about the latest iteration of the kid’s room once we’ve had a chance to settle into it a bit and finish a few projects, but I couldn’t wait to share the…
Tip #185: Tackle To-Do Lists. The past forty-eight hours have been a flurry of kid-free activity in this tiny apartment. We’ve scrubbed and scoured, dismantled and reassembled, primed and painted, sorted out old and…
In New York City there tend to be two types of closets: the ones that are too small and the ones that are non-existent. In this extremely simple project, Rose Pearlman solves for both.…
What’s my advice to parents wondering whether they can swing two small kids sharing one tiny bedroom? If you think you can do it, you definitely can. With all of the proper caveats that…
1. this painting {and the kid who painted it.} 2. this net bag {filled with flavors to brighten a march meal.} 3. these blossoms. {i’ll just never get bored of them.} 4. this little…
Tip #183: Choose only the tiniest lights.* It’s no secret that March is not my favorite month. I try to stay good spirited. I look for the crocuses and snowdrops. I spot the tulip…
Tip #182: There’s not a before or an after, only an in-between. For the most part, when we get peeks into the places that other people live, we’re given at least the impression of…
We’ve been wanting to find a simple easel for our art-loving kiddos, but we needed something that wouldn’t take up much room in our tiny apartment and that wouldn’t require drilling any more holes…
Tip #181: Daydream a little. Five years ago tomorrow, James and I got our keys from a real estate broker and shared a pizza for Valentine’s Day dinner. We sat on the floor of…
Tip 177: Tack Your Curtains. Silvery branches outside of our apartment are clinging to small rust colored caps. The leaves that made up the rest of their autumnal wardrobes have all blown off this week,…