Things have gotten a little rough and wild in this windowsill garden. The sprouts have gotten taller (and floppier). And we’ve had more confirmed casualties. RIP purple basil. There are still two last intrepid…
I can’t decide. Is writing a mid-June garden update the hobby gardener’s equivalent of sending around a holiday letter? Regaling weary family members with stories of your basil’s first shoot the way someone else…
Our window boxes, from above. Italian parsely and thyme. Weathered window boxes and herb starts. A tiny purple basil start. So much about city gardening success lies in the expectations. Tiny city window boxes…
A window box to last all summer. It’s a tall order, but nothing’s impossible. It’s been nearly three years since I planted my first city window box. I bought my narrow teak box on a…
yesterday, seedlings from a friend. today, a post on the equals record about friendship and tiny tokens. overwhelmed lately by the incredible generosity of friends and family in these past few weeks as we…