Things have gotten a little rough and wild in this windowsill garden. The sprouts have gotten taller (and floppier). And we’ve had more confirmed casualties. RIP purple basil. There are still two last intrepid purple sprouts, but the rest of the basil was too far gone after my hasty abandonment to come back to life. (Better watering next time, I promise.)

As for everything else, we’ve just about reached the time when I expected I might be ready to harvest. I won’t feign expertise here, but this weekend, after a week of waking up to peer eagerly into the tray, I started to see the emergent beginnings of the mature leaves. Are those tiny ruffles of mizuna or kale? The hint of a serrated leaf of kholrabi? A third leaf on the sorrel? I think so! I know so?

It seems like it’s all unfurling—quite literally—a bit slowly. But when watching sprouts daily for growth, it’s hard to say what’s actually slow and what just feels slow. I won’t count my mature leaves before they’re formed, but I’m very hopeful we might have the makings for a mini harvest this weekend. If we’re lucky, just in time for the birthday girl in our house to munch on a snack of sorrel.
And you? How do your gardens grow?
do they have enough soil?
i think so? are you thinking maybe not?
The unfurling is so wonderful. I will never tire of it. Every spring I look at my sprouts in total disbelief — it’s working! It’s working! This year we’re breaking proper suburban norms and replacing sensible shrubs with veggies. I’m so excited. I keep taking glamour shots of my plants; blogged about it: http://thekriegers.org/2019/05/suburban-gardening/
Love that! A victory garden!
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