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  • family camping trip: doing it (redux).

    Camping was glorious and I’ve only by miracle and mild coercion managed to excavate the dirt from my children’s curling toenails. Camping was grueling and we woke up every morning to the call of…

    July 26, 2022 59 Comments
  • baby proof: meals my kids have eaten.

    By roughest estimation, the total number of meals I’ve fed my children to date is somewhere around 8,000. It’s a ridiculous number and surely a faulty calculation, not least of all because it fails…

    September 23, 2021 37 Comments
  • baby proof: weaning.

    I don’t have a fail-safe method or a prescription for a seamless and easy transition away from nursing and toward sleeping peacefully until 7:30 am, disturbing neither parents or neighbors. (Hint: No one does.)…

    July 24, 2019 47 Comments
  • make your own: kraft paper roll holder.

    We’ve been wanting to find a simple easel for our art-loving kiddos, but we needed something that wouldn’t take up much room in our tiny apartment and that wouldn’t require drilling any more holes…

    February 25, 2019 16 Comments
  • make your own: compound butter.

    Compound butter sounds fancier than it really is. It’s butter, softened, with herbs or fruit or other bits of tastiness stirred in. You can shape it into a log, chill it, and serve it…

    November 27, 2018 13 Comments
  • MAKE/DO: For Easter

    + Colorful Easter Eggs. Purple cabbage for blue, turmeric for yellow, beets for red, you’ll have the deepest jewel-toned eggs on the block (or, if you time it right, the palest pastels). + Spring bulbs.…

    March 19, 2018 11 Comments
  • beeswax-dipped leaves.

    We dipped colorful leaves in melted beeswax this weekend. Faye took her Halloween costume for a test-drive, I snapped a few photos, neither one of us upended the pot of liquid wax.  Here’s a…

    October 23, 2017 17 Comments
  • zero-waste snacks.

    In general, I’d say I fall on the forgetful side of the snack toting spectrum. I’m not a person (or a parent) to tote an impressive store of snacks with me while venturing to,…

    July 6, 2017 30 Comments
  • make your own: bubbles (and wand!).

    I know I’ve out-tweed myself with this one and I know we’re edging past bubble season in this hemisphere. BUT HEAR ME OUT. This is very important.Faye had one bottle of bubbles this summer, of…

    September 28, 2016 22 Comments
  • baby proof: sleep away from home.

    There have been a lot of questions and so here’s my best effort at answering how we’ve handled sleep and a toddler while spending more than a month away from home.Here’s the thing: In…

    June 30, 2016 14 Comments