Browsing Tag


  • a little bit of brooklyn?

    We’re taking off for little spell. Maybe you’re just landing?We’re leaving in late May to spend the month of June in the tiny Breton home of my godparents in France. While we’re on our adventure, we’re hoping…

    April 18, 2016 20 Comments
  • out and about: joshua tree.

    We’ve had a decidedly indoor series of days and so, I thought, it’d be nice to live vicariously through photos of a few decidedly outdoor days that we passed earlier in the month. We headed…

    March 21, 2016 11 Comments
  • plane food/brain food.

    A nice breakfast bar is a special treat for anybody, but for parents traveling with toddlers, especially.It’s no secret that I like a sweet treat every now and thenday. But in a week with…

    March 7, 2016 26 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week. 1 .this tiny backpack. {for carrying precious cargo.}2. this not-quite-as-tiny-backpack.{for being just what i needed afterall.}3. this bottle milk.{for being there on our first california morning.}4. this vase of daffodils.{for…

    March 4, 2016 22 Comments
  • baby proof: packing light with littles.

    My big sister, Cait, and I have children that are only 16 months apart. And in parenting, and all things, I turn to her for advice and big-sisterly wisdom. Cait has taken my three-year-old…

    February 25, 2016 59 Comments
  • minimalist luggage | reading my tea leaves

    luggage for minimalists (or anyone).

    Here’s the great news: you don’t have to have embraced every tenet of minimalist living to decide to pack lightly while traveling. But if you do decide to pack lightly, you’ll likely end up with…

    February 24, 2016 64 Comments
  • Courtney Adamo Simple Matters Reading My Tea Leaves

    simple matters 04: courtney adamo.

    Courtney Adamo | Somewhere SlowerOne of the founders of the beautiful online children’s marketplace, Babyccino Kids, Courtney Adamo also captivates the imagination daily with a dreamy Instagram presence. But in maybe her most inspiring move to…

    November 30, 2015 12 Comments
  • birch and pine simple matters reading my tea leaves

    simple matters 02: kate oliver.

    Kate Oliver | Birch & PineOver the past year, Kate Oliver and her wife, Ellen Prasse, have painstakingly taken a 1950s Airstream trailer from mouse-infested and rotting to bright white, clean, and decidedly modern.…

    November 10, 2015 35 Comments
  • make-believe: pencil case.

    I lost my pencil case on a train three years ago. And I haven’t really recovered. It was more of a pencil pouch. A thin tube in soft leather that I’d bought for myself…

    September 2, 2015 18 Comments