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  • my year in objects (mostly).

    twelve little things that made my year.1.  resolutions and a book release in january. 2. veggie broth in february.  3. california dreams realized in march. 4. contemplating parenthood in april.5. paris with a toddler in may.6. elderflower…

    January 2, 2017 15 Comments
  • simple matters 10: maureen bleeker paal.

    Maureen Beeker Paal | The Moksi CollectiveI first met Maureen when we bumped into each other on the street here in Brooklyn. She mentioned that she was a reader of my blog and mentioned…

    November 30, 2016 18 Comments
  • mightyfix from mightynest.

    This post is sponsored by MightyNest, a company committed to sourcing sustainable products for healthy homes. Last week I wrote a bit about some of the things I’ve taken to toting around in my bag in the…

    August 2, 2016 21 Comments
  • baby proof: sleep away from home.

    There have been a lot of questions and so here’s my best effort at answering how we’ve handled sleep and a toddler while spending more than a month away from home.Here’s the thing: In…

    June 30, 2016 14 Comments
  • evening in saint-malo.

    On the evening that we arrived in Saint-Malo, the light made the city glow like a colorized old-timey postcard. You know the ones? Everything cast in a pale yellow or green-blue or washed-out gray.…

    June 27, 2016 15 Comments
  • baby proof: travel tips from a toddler.

    It must be known that a two-year-old is an intrepid traveler: all gut checks and self-care and general enthusiasm for the new and unexplored. To be fair, a two-year-old is also a terrible traveler: indifferent to…

    June 21, 2016 22 Comments
  • visit france.

    Here’s a donkey apropos of nothing at all. But isn’t it fuzzy and cute? I think we could all use an extra dose of that today. I’m working with the French national tourism site,…

    June 13, 2016 5 Comments
  • brittany, 9 pm.

    We’ve been singing rounds of Wheels on the Bus, except instead of rousing odes to wheels and windows and wipers, we’re celebrating a rowdy bus of animals: cows and doggies and fish, if you’d like to know.…

    June 9, 2016 12 Comments
  • my week in objects (mostly).

    five little things that made my week.1. this door. {because what’s better than a door that opens in half?}2. these roses.{brought to me by our neighbor for the next few weeks.}3. these other roses.{and…

    June 3, 2016 11 Comments
  • packing for a month away.

    Gulp an elderflower cocktail and throw caution to the wind while you fling your favorite things into a bag. There ends my packing advice. Just kidding. A few more cents below for what they’re…

    May 24, 2016 36 Comments