gardening victoriously.

March 23, 2009
perfect little lettuces from cait’s front porch garden.
spring is here (or should be) and it’s time to start thinking about summer vegetable gardens (if you don’t think of them all year long already). the lovely beautyeveryday has a beautiful post today with a list of veggies to jump start a southern vegetable garden. but it’s not only southern gardeners who need to gear up. the obamas are planning quite the vegetable garden in d.c. if you needed a another reason to adore michelle obama, this article should do the trick.
before the obamas, the roosevelts were the last family in the white house to dig up the south lawn and plant their own veggies. 
image here.

i don’t know about you, but i really like the idea of the obama girls munching on carrots from their own garden.
so, what do you think? are you planning a little garden this spring? need some encouraging? just remember:
image here.

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  • Reply the_young_dude March 24, 2009 at 12:48 am

    hey, I like yout blog! Good luck with the gardening!

  • Reply wunderbug March 24, 2009 at 1:29 am

    too awesome!

    i was in ikea yesterday and saw a lil mini greenhouse box that i’m sure i couldn’t fit a whole garden in, but made me want it nonetheless.

    (did i mention how *so very nice* it is to see green coming from the ground?)

  • Reply Beth March 24, 2009 at 2:23 am

    Yay! Chris is growing veggies this year. (He has to be in charge, because I apparently have a black thumb. Way better with cats than plants.)

  • Reply Dash March 24, 2009 at 3:05 am

    nothing beats fresh green organic vegetables! pesticide, bacteria and poison freee… i dont have a garden for now, but hopefully will own property with one one day!

  • Reply americainshort March 24, 2009 at 5:36 am

    after however many years of life i’ve spent trying to convince him to, my pops and i are finally tearing up some lawn space to expand the garden. more than just tomatoes and eggplant this year. keep us posted. (and we’ll do the same.)

  • Reply doebmom March 24, 2009 at 12:19 pm

    Dad and I paced ours out this weekend–an allee of 6 fruit trees–peach, pear, and plum– 8 raised beds for organically grown veggie seedlings, 1 compost bin, 1 brush bin, 18 berry bushes for us and the birds, and lots of spaces for bee skeps and straw hives. Let the wild rumpus begin!

  • Reply Julia March 24, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    Oh, I didn’t know about this 🙂 How delightful!

  • Reply Caroline March 25, 2009 at 12:03 am

    Hey long lonst roomie, I am having so much fun reading your blog. Reading blogs of past coworkers seems to be my new procrastination method of choice. I can’t wait until spring makes its way up to us here in MA. Especially since my whole thesis sort of depends on it…

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