five little things that made my week.
1. this neighborly encouragement.

{because sometimes you just need someone to tell you so}.
2. these wires.

{because of they way they cut across the sky outside my train window}.
3. these vintage signs.

{because even though it was far too hot to partake in any of the fried goodness, the advertisement was treat enough}.
3. this beach umbrella.

{because it was one of so, so, so very many. can you guess where we went}?
5. these rainbow sprinkles.

what little something made your week?
i think you went to coney island along with a few thousand other people. wow, that is one crowded beach. i hope i'm right ;). enjoy your weekend!
bingo! lots of people gawking to be sure. and all i have to say is thank goodness the subway is air conditioned.
great pictures! love the little things!
I love #1! Love love love!
looks like a great week… that ice cream was melting….so..try to stay cool this weekend. 🙂
all the best to you
Seeing cotton candy in the window! Fresh produce from my niece and her husband's garden made my week.
those rainbow sprinkles give me sugar rush just looking at them!
have a lovely weekend!
Those pictures make it feel like summer, that's for sure! Sometimes I forget it's summertime, haha. Fail. Great pictures.
im new here and i love every picture and word! im dreaming of ice cream with colored sprinkles now! thank you thank you thank you!
rainbow sprinkles are the very best kind 🙂
a spell of warm summer rain felt like back east and made my weekend
sprinkles make any week better….:)
I love love love these.
Its so funny to see how different photographers/bloggers shoot and edit things with their own style. Check out my post from Coney Island below!
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