five little things that made my week.
1. this red guy.

{because he will taste so good. and because he turned red on my watch}.
2. this sign.

{because of the way the morning sun glinted off the letters}.
3. this tea pot.

{because it looked so regal filled with flowers}.
4. this basket of blueberries.

{because i ate every single last one. all by myself}.
5. this other sign.

{because it marks the spot of very good iced coffee, and the meeting of a friend to drive me up to the farm. a welcome break from the train}.
what little something made your week?
I wish I had a nice tomato like yours. This is the week Chris asked me to marry him, back n 2002 (today, actually). It's been fun thinking back to that day and comparing notes on what we each recall.
I love the teapot filled with those gorgeous flowers! The object that made my week are 80 colorful 2 1/2 inch fabric squares that I thurned into a beautiful coaster set and seat cushion for my mom's birthday gift. I'll be posting a photo of it soon on my blog (closer to her birthday not to ruin suprises!) if you're interested.
tommy is looking delicious!
Red tomato alert! I swear we spend way too much time each day staring at our green guys, wondering if maybe we're seeing a hint of a color change yet. So ready.
love this! those blueberries, yum! and that teapot – looove it.
great job babysitting those tomatoes!
that little red tomato is just perfect
I was excited about my first tomato too. Also took a picture. 🙂 My niece has been giving me some from her garden. Sooo good.
love those tomatoes and blueberries and those flowers are just gorgeous! im in love with those signs so vinatage and anything that marks the spot of great iced coffee is just pure bliss!
the coffee shop looks awesome!
Love your blog!
This is a fantastic list. Your tomatoes remind me that I've yet to put in ours on the back deck… it may be too late! Oh well, hello farmers' market!
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