You probably already know this about me: I’m a beauty aisle hand wringer. I’m the woman in Duane Reade frowning at mile-long ingredient lists and struggling to decode them in search of a perfect face cream. I’ve spent the better part of a half hour debating potions only to leave empty handed. I may or may not have once argued with an esthetician about petrochemicals…in public. Beauty products are an investment, and I don’t want to invest in something that doesn’t meet my standards.
Nahla Beauty is a new sponsor of Reading My Tea Leaves, but I like to think of them as an answer to my prayers. Maybe yours, too. Their ingredient lists are 100% readable and 100% free of parabens and petrochemicals and phthalates, and phenoxyethanol, and on and on. They smell wonderful, but not because they’re pumped full of artificial fragrance. Maybe most important of all, they’ve been making my skin feel terrific.This week, Nahla has generously offered a whole selection of goodies for one Reading My Tea Leaves reader. These are the goods:
- Full size Forest Mint Gentle Foaming Milk
- Full size Bulgarian Rose Hydrating Mist
- Full size Amla Instant Repair Cream
- Full size Flowering Quince Bath & Body Oil
- Your choice of Sample Kits; one of these three remedies
For a chance to win, hop over to Nahla Beauty to explore their handiwork for yourself and leave a comment back here, complete with contact information and a description of one thing you’re going to do this month to be kind to yourself and kind to the planet.
In addition to producing honest and reliable products, Nahla has a long history of philanthropic giving. They give away 20% of their profits annually. From now through April 30, they’re donating 100% of their web order proceeds to One Fund Boston to support victims of last week’s marathon bombing. If ever there was a time to invest in something special, this might be it.
And as if all that wasn’t enough: Nahla Beauty is offering 10% off your order of $65 or more with discount code “TEALEAVES”. As a bonus, they’ll also include a special gift with every order regardless of size. This offer is valid through May 7, 2013 at 11:59 pm eastern time.
The giveaway will close on Thursday evening at 5:00 pm and a randomly selected winner will be announced on Friday. Lots of luck and thanks for reading!

PS. You don’t have to follow this blog in a reader or on facebook, or twitter, or pinterest, or anything else in order to enter, but if you’re new here, it’d be great to have you.
UPDATE: This giveaway is now CLOSED. Thanks so much for entering, the winner is Musings from the Corner!
i love this giveaway! i've been using their serum #2 for the last year and it makes my skin feel incredible.
Beautiful products! This month I'm switching from disposable kitchen products like paper towels and sandwich bags to homemade reusable equivalents like cloth napkins and fabric snack pouches. So far, so good- I already prefer the look and feel of the cloth, and I know it's better for the earth.
I'm glad to learn about these products. This month I'm making an effort walk more.
I'm selective too and would love to try some new products! Hopefully Ill be washing my face with some new, natural products this month 🙂 & long with taking up running again.
Love their facial care! And in honor of Earth day, I am continuing to bring my favorite wicker basket to the grocery store and farmers market =).
[email protected]
I'd love to try these products! This month I've been doing lots of research on how to cloth diaper the little one we're expecting in August 🙂
These products look amazing! [email protected]
How lovely! Real herbs are some of the best smells in the world… synthetic versions of them are some of the worst. I've been trying to "eat clean" without artificial dyes or preservatives and minimally processed food. Since we buy local grass-fed animals, I feel all green about it 🙂 You can find me at
wow! I'd love to try these products!
I'm helping the planet by setting up recycling at my work.
Being kind to myself by getting an early night's sleep:-)
This looks amazing! I've been looking for a new line like this and coming from Boston, I was hoping to donate to the ONE fund but now that I know that they're donating 100% of proceeds for a while, that is a double bonus! I'm in the process of switching all of my cleaning products to natural ones this month(and making my own using vinegar, etc.)
[email protected]
these look great. i'm planting, planting, and more planting this month. and getting my workout in while doing so.
Awesome products!
I'm expecting a baby (our first!) in late September, so I've been looking into cloth diaper and chlorine free/biodegradable disposable diaper options, as well as greener cleaning products (and paint!) to use around our new place as we start to spruce it up before the new arrival.
[email protected]
I do the same… stand for ages in the aisle and leave empty-handed. This stuff looks awesome.
for the earth: I am trying to produce less trash. for me: i've committed to a daily yoga and meditation practice (day 16!).
([email protected])
Oooo the instant repair cream sounds like it's right up my alley. I'm going to take off my makeup more and clean my face every night in order to be more gentle and kinder to my body. It's the only one I got so I need to be kinder! =)
Email: [email protected]
Blog: Ergo – Blog
:: converting to more natural products can be super overwhelming for me as i've depended on drug-store brands for most of my life. i'd love to ease my way in with nah-lah's gorgeous products!
Nahla products are lovely! This month, I'm run-commuting. It's one of the most eco-friendly ways to get around AND it's a great way to start my day.
[email protected]
I'm looking at the oily/acne routine; my 59 y/o skin has never cleared up! 🙁
My next-door neighbors & I are pooling our resources. I'm making dinner for the 3 of us several nights a week, enjoying the wonderful eggs from Kathy's free range chickens, and we're working together to make a vegetable garden.
[email protected]
Turning 50 May 1st so I already was kind to myself this month. I dyed my hair. Used a natural Henna and I like it. Not a perm color but rinses our gradually and I like that it didn't cover every white hair I had so it's more believable! As far as being kind to the planet, the weather in the Pacific NW is finally dry enough to get to the yard. We do a natural garden so the animals and the rain run off have no worries about bad chemicals in our yard.
I've been exploring new skin care products and have spent much time at New Seasons trying to figure out the best natural product. So glad to see this line and would love to give it a try!! Thanks for doing the work for me so I can move on~
Ohh, the wildflower honey vitamin mask sounds amazing! I think I decided to switch out all of our cleaning products this month with all-natural, chemical-free cleaning products. I think it would be better for our cats and us, not to mention the environment in the end. xo, Kayleigh ([email protected])
Those products look luxurious, quite the spoilers.
I'll be kinder to my hair and stop dying it, after awhile it doesn't seem like mine anymore.
As for the planet. I think I'll quit buying "stuff," I spend energy shopping for it and don't need it. Less packaging and such gets thrown away.
huettewoerz at
The Luna Undereye Dream Cream is just what I need right now. And to help it work, I'm going to try and give my body a bit more rest in the coming months, it's been running like crazy. [email protected]
I am right there with you – I spend hours looking at products only to leave the store disappointed and empty handed.
I have two life goals for the next coming months: Reduce the plastics in my home/life, and to reduce the chemicals I put on my body.
Nahla will definitely help with both of those goals!!!
forgot the contact info: [email protected]
I am always on the hunt for natural products for my skin. I think this might be one of the best ways to take care of the planet because so much of what we put on our bodies actually ends up in our water. I would love to try out these products!
[email protected]
wow! what great products from a company that actually cares. i just moved in with my boyfriend and have been making lots of changes, most importantly (or annoyingly, depending on your point of view) turning off lights and unplugging appliances. email: [email protected]
I would love some new skin products. I've decided that 2013 is my year and I am taking charge!
[email protected]
I continue to commute by train to work every day. It saves me money, and saves creating more harmful emissions!
Their products look fantastic!
This month I am making the effort to switch out all of our cleaning supplies, laundry soap, hand soaps, shampoos, make-up etc to all natural chemical free. I already started with the deodorant, and face wash (my dogs shampoo,too!)
Thank you!
[email protected]
Those products look fantastic. This month I'm doing my best to reduce our waste- so purchasing from bulk bins,relying on farmer's markets and CSA, and looking into starting a compost bin in the city.
WHAT?! YES! That is me in the pharmacy aisle with the furrowed brow! I LOVE to hear of companies who really put a lot of time and care into their products. This month, I've started commuting to work on my bicycle. 🙂
Thanks for bringing this company to my attention! xo Contact information: [email protected]
Nice giveaway. I love my homemade laundry soap and vinegar shower cleaner.
These products look great! This spring I started making my own cleaning products and started using essential oils instead of any perfume. Amazing all the nasty things in those messing with our bodies and the earth!
What a wonderful giveaway! I would love some Oma Face Serum No. 1. This company seems awesome, I will definitely be making a purchase with my next paycheque! Thanks for the giveaway Erin! [email protected]
I really love all your sponsors and appreciate the care you take in choosing them. Thank you for the giveaway. So far, the closest I've gotten to natural products is burts bees. I'm looking to expand into new product lines. Thanks for the tip.
([email protected])
This month my husband and I have decided that our family should start eating all organic, NON-GMO foods. It's very, very new to us and we're just starting out. In fact, I just made my first official "all organic" grocery run last night! Now I'm looking forward to exploring organic skincare.
I love this giveaway! This month my husband and I are eating healthy and working out together. I also started using Coconut Oil for my skin.
[email protected]
Bulgarian rose! Forest mint! These products sound wonderful, and the giveaway items all sound like things I would love to try. Let's see…this month, I am looking forward to biking to my neighborhood farmer's market, which is really hitting its stride now.
Love hydrating mists, especially nice as a mid-afternoon pick me up in the office, so I'd be excited to try the Bulgarian Rose Hydrating mist. This month I'm trying to eat more fruits and vegetables! Everything is starting to look so fresh and wonderful.
Awesome giveaway! The Rose Hydrating Mist sounds amazing. This month I am focusing on getting back into mu yoga practice after surgery and almost 3 years away. [email protected]
Wow, they look lovely! This month, I'm training to run a 10k – being good to my body and mind!
Oh my! What a treat!
I would love love love the Clary Sage Calming Mask.
Work has been crazy hectic lately and unwinding before bed with a mask always makes me feel decadent and extra spoiled!
I want to get back to eating clean, local and fresh! With a busy schedule I keep ignoring what's best for me and the planet! Good food CAN be quick, easy and delicious.
Muchos besos!
The Moonflower Hydrating Cleansing Balm is on my wishlist. I could use the giveaway to go with it 🙂
This month to be kind to myself and mother nature I am going to grow a vegetable garden. fequs-shop at yahoo dot com.
This month, I'm being kind to myself by running three – four times a week. It does wonders for my mindset! coppersnowflake (at) yahoo (dot) com
Wow, their website is amazing. I love the detail they go into to make sure you're well-informed and making the right skin care choices. I always struggle trying to find good-for-you skincare.
This month I'm planning to go to a flower potluck! A community event held in a rose garden where everyone brings flowers and we share, trade, and create a new arrangement. Treating myself to that 🙂
summersk88 [at] gmail [dot] com
thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway! these products look fantastic. now that the weather is finally starting to get nice here in the Northwest I am hoping to walk more! good for the earth and for me; two birds, one stone 🙂
[email protected]
Ohh I need this one. I have just come through a very stressful time in my life, and my skin breaks out in times of stress. I have been struggling to find a natural, earth friendly line to give my skin some TLC. As a runner myself, I was definitely impacted by the events in Boston, so what I'm going to do for myself is keep running- longer, faster and partake in events with my running community. What I'm going to do for the earth is utilize that compost I've been stewing all winter to fertilize my garden the natural way, and grow beautiful food this summer (especially since I'm a university student, so I can save money by growing my own food ha ha).
[email protected]
What a fabulous giveaway. For the last few years I have refused to buy any of the creams, sunscreens and other chemical ridden products you find in most stores. As a society we are wondering why the rates of cancer are on the rise as we slather things like petroleum on our skin! This month and beyond I am focusing on me – with my two boys getting older I want to get back to taking better care of myself. I have been running, eating better and just over the weekend got a fabulous haircut. Would love to add these lovely products to the list of things to take care of me.
[email protected]
Oh yay! It's so hard to find good quality products that are free of all the bad stuff. Mostly I just use my toddler's all-natural baby products for myself. These beautiful grownup products are right up my alley. I'm tired of standing in aisles scouring the Skin Deep Cosmetics Database on my phone! This month, I'm being kind to the planet (and myself!) by planting my first ever (organic) vegetable garden. Two weeks in, we have kale, peas, carrots, broccoli and lettuce sprouts shooting up.
[email protected]
The Naha products look very lovely and pass my no weird stuff standards! Today I am practicing mindfulness because I want to be more present and aware of how I live and interact with the world.
This is a great giveaway Erin! I love the beauty secrets page- they don't try to push their products at all. Skincare is so difficult, I'd love to stop having to use prescription facewash but I can't seem to find anything else that works. This month I'm going to start training for a 5k, in solidarity with Boston, the entire running community, and to remember my dad, who always loved to run.
[email protected]
I'm a beauty-aisle-hand-wringer too! I have so many products in my bathroom that I've bought and then been disappointed with–half-empty bottles… I'd love to try these!
This month, I'm moving our house toward all-natural cleaning products–makes me feel safer in my home, and stops the spreading of chemicals in our world.
what a lovely idea to spread the beauty *goodness*..thank you!
let's see…this month i am working on giving myself more grace and thus hopefully extending it to others (the real goal). para nuestra mundo? – walking more / driving less.
[email protected]
Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway! This month to be nice to myself, i've purchased lavander essential oil to sprinkly on pillow before sleep and eucalyptus to sprinkly on facecloths in the morning to wake up. For the planet, I have been riding my bike to work most days this month.
I am at [email protected]
This makes me happy to see that other people are aware of what they are putting on their skin!
To be kind to myself, I will have more ME time. I will explore and take photos, which i love to do, but haven't been allowing myself the time to do so.
To be kind to the planet I will be a guerilla seeder…I will carry around seeds with me and spread them as I'm taking my walks. Wildflowers in particular. I have already started.
[email protected]
All of their products look great, thanks for the opportunity to try their products. Love small businesses like this! I have been breaking out and don't like all the super scented stuff out there so I switched out all of our bathroom stuff like shampoo and body wash for paraben and sulfate free formulas this month. marthawilson00 (at) me (dot) com
This month, I'm trying to get back into running/biking shape (but the weather in Boston is not cooperating) and regular yoga, as well as upping my fruit/veggie intake!
Such a lovely giveaway, I always worry about the stuff I put on my face and in my body. I'm trying to go Vegan and eat more organic products this month as week, as well as having a smoother every day!
[email protected]
I'm going to be joining a yoga studio once school gets out (I"m a veterinary student); I can't wait to start up my practice again. Also, I'll continue being vegetarian and using cruelty free beauty products!
[email protected]
Wow! This is so wonderful! This month I'm taking an watercolor class to cultivate some self-care and fun and I also plan on planting some flowers and herbs!
[email protected]
I've totally spent a half hour looking at labels in the drug store, too! This month I'm treating myself to a relaxing pre-wedding massage (wedding bells soon!), and I'm putting those reusable bags in the trunk of my car so I always have them!
Nicole (the founder of Nahla) came to SquamItalia in October and her skin was so gorgeous and luminous — that alone would have sold me on the products (but I was already a client)– so I just got to enjoy her amazing complexion and her wild stories of travels with her grandmother! xoox e
Oh! I always, always appreciate these types of recommendations. I feel as if the time, energy, and money you spend on good, natural products is never wasted! I'm becoming a member at my local coop! It's right around the corner from us, and the thought that I'm helping my family AND my planet makes me happy!
I am always looking for safer cosmetics, thanks for the recommendation! I just registered for a 30-day fitness class this morning. I am really scared but determined to exercise this time. After moving to North California, being kind to myself and the planet became a significant part of my life. No plastic/paper bags, ambitious recycling and composting are only some of things I do everyday.
i LOVE trader joe's orange blossom soap..and would love to try Nahla's orange blossom balancing toner.
I'm always looking for a good body scrub, Nah La's looks amazing. This month I'm putting my food scraps to work by starting a compost pile and using citrus rinds and coffee grinds for natural cleaning or beauty home remedies.
[email protected]
I'm desperate to find more natural products that actually work! Right now we're looking to buy a rain barrel – good for my garden, which is actually good for me too.
murdkitten (at) yahoo (dot) com
I can commiserate wholeheartedly on the ingredient-list hand-wringing! These products sound amazing, & I'd especially love to try the Vanilla Bean Rejuvenating Cleanser, though it's way out of my price range.
This month, I have begun to plant the garden that will feed us & make our footsteps a bit lighter (both on the earth and metaphorically – good for the soul!) As for myself, I have tonight all to myself and intend to spend it on the balcony with my feet propped up feeling the breeze and sipping a beverage. 🙂
I've been trying the Oil Cleansing Method this month but am not sure it's right for me as I suffer from rosacea and my flare-ups haven't been getting any better. Nahla's Forest Mint cleanser might be a great fit!
cpross716 (at) gmail
I just think its awesome when companies are so generous. I am a minimalist when it comes to beauty products, as in I don't use them, however I love baths and they have some good stuff over there.
This month, along with planting my garden I am hoping to restart composting (we just moved), and get back into running. The warm months are good for all those things.
Looks like a great company! We're cleaning this week with vinegar and baking soda and spinning and walking in between. Life is good!
I've resolved to take better care of my skin, because I mainly just use soap and water. I've been focused on reducing waste, and that includes using my canvas tote bags rather than plastic bags. Today I bought cereal but forgot my tote bag; rather than use a plastic bag for just that one box, I just carried the cereal home.
How lovely! This month I'm really going to hold myself to instating regular walk breaks at work – walking is obviously good for me and doing it outside keeps me in tune with the planet I'm a part of, rather than getting lost in the mayhem of laptops and media.
Thank you for this post and giveaway! I'm always on the lookout for safe + organic skincare. I'm so excited about this. I checked out the website and the prices were much more reasonable than I thought they'd be – what a bonus. One think I'm starting to do is take sea minerals + aloe vera instead of a normal daily vitamin, and I'm looking forward to the health benefits of a much higher absorbency of the vitamins and minerals I need.
"Beauty products are an investment, and I don't want to invest in something that doesn't meet my standards." Very well stated! And Nahla looks like great products.
I try to do my part everyday to help the planet, but recently I invested in a shower timer. I set it for five minutes and have done well so far. It's easier than people might think. Believe it or not, I've cut my water bill in half too!
i loved reading the nahla "beauty secrets."
i am walking every day and covering the storm drains with mesh so the tiny ducklings won't fall in ♥
catiegrace {at} q {dot} com
I would love to try these products. *crossing my fingers* This month we are going to take care of our little backyard and grow our own veggies and herbs.
pereiraquel (at) gmail (dot) com
This line looks amazing! I would love to try it out. I've been packing my daughters lunch in a bento box so there are no plastic baggies involved at all! It's great for little bites and she even eats more this way!
What a lovely company! I always try to do my part for the environment, whether by replacing household chemicals with natural alternatives, or composting, or limiting water usage. This month I'm doing major spring cleaning and donating as much as I can to Goodwill!
I have the same trouble – this looks like a great solution! I walk to work (and to everyone complaining about their commutes) every day. It's fantastic. 🙂 eden dot bainter at gmail dot com
These look like amazing products! I would love to try them at home as I am an avid user of natural products, especially for my skincare.
I am switching to more of a plant based/whole food diet (just watched Forks over Knives, great stuff)and I am going to be planting more in my outdoor patio!
hilaryalter at gmail dot com
Are they vegan/cruelty-free? I love their simple packaging!
I'm going to focus on reusing, recycling, & donating during my spring cleaning 🙂 Oldies can still be – or become – goodies!
erinkmarino @ gmail . com
Wow these look great! I have really been wanting to take a more natural approach to skincare. This month, I've been riding my bike to yoga–good for me and the planet!
I am also a label reader and try to find the safest, healthiest and loveliest products to use. I would love to try this line and be able to take better care of my skin and body. I am constantly trying to reduce waste and cut down (or eliminate) plastic in our home.
Wonderful! I will be kind to myself by drinking much much more water… and to the planet, by drinking our well water and giving my Nalgene a good using!
I am going to make an aromatherapy soak happen. I am also going to plant more flower and vegetable seeds, make more compost, and play in the mud (cob building our Teahouse).
wow looks like a great product. I'm always weeding through all of the chemicals in everything, it's a battle. I have stopped using trash bags. I dish-dispose or dry everything that's wet and then use biodegradable paper to store food scraps and other trash. I wish I could get landfill trash down to zero. I'm also using trash materials for art! missy at thelenssociety dot com
One for me: Run/Jog to clear my mind and body.
One for the earth: Plant vegetables and flowers native to our area. Recycle those plastic bottles that I see thrown into garbage cans.
My post winter skin would love those Nahla Beauty products.
For me: Eat healthier for the planet: recycle the packaging it came in 🙂
When NYC's bike share begins, I want to commit to biking rather than taking the subway at least once a month. A small step, but I hope this becomes more regular and helps to get me into shape while improving both the city and planet.
[email protected]
My goodness, I love this company! I am so happy to discover it. My contact information: naturallynina (at) For a better world: Making my daughter's baby food from local produce.
This was such a nice surprise to see here today. Something I've been wanting to do for myself is to limit the amount of harmful chemicals in my care products and household products – so this was a perfect find!
Something nice I would like to do for the planet is to limit the amount of plastic I purchase. pimmelm (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm not big on beauty products either! I tend to go for as natural/organic as possible. I'm currently using Burt's Bees facial cleanser, but that's it. I'd love to give Nahla a try and expand my knowledge and use in skin products!
As a college student who is just about the graduate, I'll no longer have my student bus pass with unlimited rides. Instead, I'm planning on purchasing a road bike! I'm very excited to have to not rely on the bus and get exercise while going places. Seattle is a pretty bike friendly place, and a bike is great for me and the environment!
[email protected]
ooooo products! GOOD products 🙂
I am going to start composting! I've been doing lots of research and with your inspiration ( we too, live in a very tiny space ) have decided to finally do it!
[email protected]
Their products seem so amazing. I would love to try them! This month I plan on eating at home almost every night, and buying my produce from local farmer's markets, vendors, and farmers! I think eating local is one of the biggest changes you can make to reduce your carbon footprint 🙂
[email protected]
All of the toners sounds just lovely! I'm a sucker for a good toner and love spritzing my face in the morning and if I need a little pick me up as well.
Thanks for sharing this great product line! Also, this month I've been getting back into biking to work and it's so great for my health and the environment 🙂 That's 17.5 miles of driving saved a day!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway, I would love to try their products! For Earth Day, I volunteered at a local community garden in Oakland, CA last Friday. As for being kind to myself, I had the best slab of ribs with sweet potatoes after volunteering! It was delicious and well-deserved.
[email protected]
Everything looks so nourishing!
I'm taking care of my body by slowly switching over to more natural products. I've already made the switch with all my hair care and body lotions, now on to beauty and face products!
I'm taking care of the earthy by utilizing my bike more. Now that the weather has warmed up I can ride almost everywhere, plus I save time because I'm not stuck in traffic! Double whammy!
Thanks for promoting such a beautiful product 🙂
-Kristina heldkristina[at]gmail[dot]com
I am working on not only turning off all of my electronics when I am not using them, but also unplugging them from the outlet. I am taking care of myself by walking through central park on the way and from work. This way I can get some exercise and also enjoy the (finally) spring flowers! [email protected]
I'm definitely in the market for some natural products for my skin! I have acne/blemishes and would love to try their products. I have finally started recycling, and it's a wonder that I haven't recycled every single thing in my home!
tidyupgal at gmail . com
All of Nahla's products look so natural and refreshing! Love it!
I already bike to school every day and I just finished a ride from Houston to Austin for the MS150, but I'm definitely going to keep biking everywhere I go! I'm also planning on biking to work once I graduate this May! Biking keeps you fit and takes care of the earth at the same time!
Thanks for sharing this product line!
-Charlene ([email protected])
How lovely this company sounds! I have been looking for a good eye cream, and I think the sound of the Luna Undereye Dream cream sounds fantastic. This month, I hand in my Master's thesis, so to be good to myself, I have just organized for a weekend in a mountain cabin with some of my dearest girlfriends who have been sending me encouragement while I frantically write. Nice food, good wine, and relaxing conversation will renew me. xx
These products look amazing! I would love to try the rose geranium bath milk too- lovely! I'm trying to get in shape and plan to run a 5k- which helps my emotional and physical health- a win win!
Thank you!
[email protected]
This line looks incredible! One of my closest friends is an aspiring dermatologist and cultivated a list of "pore clogging ingredients," this line does not include any of them! I have followed my friend's list religiously when shopping for skin care products, and it is often very difficult to find quality, organic skin care products. Totally sold on this brand, such a great giveaway!
The geranium sap purifying cleanser looks like a great all-purpose face wash, and oma face serum no. 1 looks like it would work incredibly well with my acne-prone skin.
[email protected]
Hi! Their products sound lovely, especially the unique scents of body washes. Blood orange and clove? Awesome.
This month, I'm focusing on purging my home of unnecessary belongings, which makes me feel refreshed everytime I come home and is good for the earth (assuming people buy and reuse all the stuff I've donated!).
Thanks for the opportunity to possibly try their line!
[email protected]
Those masks sound amazing! Would also love to try their toners.
I've just started drinking hot lemon water everyday, as well as oil pulling with coconut oil. Who knows if it does anything, but it's nice to feel like I'm dedicated to doing something positive for my body everyday! I'm also cleaning my closet out and donating things to a local store which gives proceeds to homeless shelters in my city – I've donated four bags since January and I still have much more to part with! Reusing and recycling, rather than buying new things!
[email protected]
I've recently started transitioning to all natural beauty products and Nahla has been at the top of my to-try list! The products are just beautiful and I've only heard really great things.
As for me, I FINALLY put together a bike I got this past winter (it ended up being way harder than it looked, especially for mechanically illiterate me) and now that spring is here I've decided to commute to and from work by bike. I'm really excited to save money on commuting, get in a workout everyday, and enjoy the beautiful city.
[email protected]
I've been trying to incorporate more homemade things into my diet as well as daily routines. This helps keep me healthy and energizes me AND eliminates some waste from packaging. Double good!
[email protected]
This is wonderful! I am the same in the pharmacy aisle. It takes me forever to find products I think I will truly like.
I've realized how often I use my car to get around recently, and now with the nice weather finally reaching Maine, I plan on using my bike a lot more often especially just for little things like going to the gym.
gadela [at] gmail [dot] com
Great product line! I'm always looking for all natural, organic skin care products.
[email protected]
beautiful products!!
love this giveaway. For myself: a massage, for the planet: I am planting basil plants tomorrow.
fingers crossed,
[email protected]
thanks for the chance!
I'm going to get more sleep for me, and recycle more plastic for the planet.
[email protected]
This month I want to buy all my produce at the Grand Army greenmarket – all local, all in season! I don't know if the earth or I'll be happier about the situation. 🙂
gvillian [at] gmail [dot] com
I have rosacea and these products sound so soothing! This summer I hope to start a compost spot to create rich earth for my garden.
The Verbena Calming Hydrosol Toner sounds ah-mazing.
This month, I've decided not to buy any more ziploc bags. Ever. Again.
Also, I'm finishing my Master's thesis so I'm just giving myself all sorts of love and grace to finish well. This plan includes lot of dark chocolate.
ps: I'm new here–love your blog!
Such beautiful products! I am also super picky about body care. Simple and organic feels best and that can be hard to find sometimes. I love to see that homeopathics are even in some of their products.
This month we are taking made-from-scratch to the next level and are making our own tortillas. No more tortilla packaging! Little by little we are working to get away from packaged goods. This is a treat to myself as well… can't wait for home made organic blue corn tortillas.
[email protected]
I too am a picky potion purchaser 😉 I am looking for a new face lotion and would LOVE to try this new brand! This spring I have been taking brisk walks every evening and it has been amazing.
[email protected]
I too am a picky potion purchaser 😉 I am looking for a new face lotion and would LOVE to try this new brand! This spring I have been taking brisk walks every evening and it has been amazing.
[email protected]
this month we're biking to the farmers market instead of driving! nahla products look so perfect. the labeling is divine.
[email protected]
I've been researching more earth friendly cosmetics and beauty care for what seems like ages (still to find the perfect thing). It's lovely to have a recommendation. Thankyou.
I love Nahla Beauty. Their products are amazing, especially Forest Mint Cleanser and the Revive Serum. The owner is a sweetie pie and even though i'm already a devoted customer, I would love to win. Earth Day wise, I made the investment in cloth bags with draw string ties for all my produce and bulk ingredients. It's been hard to let go of the convenience of plastic bags but I don't miss the guilt.
[email protected]
Ooo thank you for a new discovery! I am also that girl who takes FOREVER to buy beauty products because I am sensitive to a million things (and allergic to parabens, actually, so I've avoided them my whole life) and it freaks me out to put anything with a mile-long ingredients list on my face.
I really want to try Nahla Beauty now. I just wasted so much time reading all the good information on the site!
This month, I am reducing the amount of unnecessary driving I do by making all my stops on the way home from work instead of going home and back out again. Now if only my city was more walkable around my neighborhood…
These products look amazing. This month, I plan on replacing all of my toxic cleaning supplies. I also want to put aside a few moments a day to read.
[email protected]
So excited to discover this company, I'm always looking for better beauty products. Now to see if they have sunscreen…
For my good thing I'm going to go to yoga again, once a week to start, to calm and center myself, it will feel good after a new baby. And for the planet I'm going to stop using plastic water bottles. I bought a BKR bottle and plan to use that all the time instead. Hydrating for me, recycling for the planet, win, win.
[email protected]
Beautiful stuff! My goal is to take time and walk in nature!
Rachel- [email protected]
[email protected]
I will use reusable bags for groceries, now that I will be doing a more significant amount of shopping (getting married in eleven days!) And for myself, I will drink more water and spend less time staring at screens.
They look so clean! What a lovely idea. For me, I've let yoga slip away and I plan to get back into my routine. For the world, the weather is rather lovely right now, so I can start walking instead of driving everywhere!
oohhh, i'm always searching for better things for my face, although i have a hard time paying for the good stuff right now. this is definitely the good stuff!
kind to myself: eat spring veggies!
kind to the planet: my goal for the whole summer is to start canning food for the winter. i'm going to start this month with strawberry jam!
[email protected]
thank you!!
I have always been very concerned with skin care and I'm always shocked by how bad everything is for our skin! These products look great and I would love to give them a go. This month I have dedicated myself to going to yoga every day! My practice has improved greatly. For the world I have planted a tiny garden and I'm excited to grow my own food and participate in the great loveliness that the Earth so kindly gives us.
[email protected]
Thank you!
what a beautiful line of products! hmmm, i have many good intentions this spring, including a major decluttering/organizing bonanza (for myself) and being consistent about composting my scraps (for the environment).
happy spring!
civitavecchio (at) earthlink (dot) net
I'm constantly trying to find products that are better for me and the earth – Nahla looks lovely and I'd be happy to give it a try!
I am always trying to find products that are good for our world and for me, all of these look wonderful I would be happy to try any, but especially the Forest Mint gentle foaming milk. From this month on I have decided only to bike or walk to school, no matter if its rain or shine.
[email protected]
This week I intend to attend twice my reflexology session and continue practicing yoga for kids with my 4 year old daughter.
ifigenia – Greece
[email protected]
These products look and sound gorgeous this month I will not take the bus and walk instead (don't have a car that I could stop using)!
Thanks for offering this give-away. Your reader from Vienna, Austria (katrin.harvey(at)
This is a great company! I was just talking about natural sunscreen and other products with my sister for not only ourselves but her little girl. Their serum #1 looks like a great daily moisturizer. With better weather I'm getting back into riding my bike to work, better for me and for the environment!
austenpp (at)
A lovely giveaway — thank you!
The Nahla site is lovely, as well. I've been on a few-months-long quest to clean up my beauty routine, reduce waste and product consumption, and clear my skin from the inside out. Some of their pretty products would definitely make my quest a little more special. I'd particularly love to try one of their masks, either with seaweed or honey.
This month, my husband and I are looking at plans to build a compost pile so we can put our organic scraps back into the soil instead of the garbage.
I'd love to try the sample skincare set! I have been scouring the web for a skin routine that is kind to the earth and my body. This month, my husband and I are carpooling as much as possible, and we have decided to stop purchasing disposable cleaning supplies (sponges, paper towels, anti-bac wipes) Every little bit, you know?
[email protected]
What a lovely giveaway! I've been looking for a new company to try, and I definitely trust your judgement! Kinder to myself and the planet…I'm a teacher and I've been upping the ante to get the kids to really think about their consumption and recycling, and healthy habits. I might have set a good example, treat myself and get a new water bottle!
Oh it all looks amazing! Thanks for introducing us to such a great company–I have the same dilemmas in the beauty aisle. For me, I'm going to exercise more outside as opposed to the gym. And for the earth, I'm going to compost as much as I can.
Thank you for introducing me to Nahla, I'd been looking into natural skin care products, but thus far haven't found anything that works for my skin. I'm looking forward to learning more about them.
This month, since it has warmed up, my bicycle is out and I'm now riding to work. Helps the environment and my health! Also, my husband and I purchased our first share in a Community Supported Agriculture program, so were looking forward to a summer of local, fresh vegetables!
hlrivet (at)
I'd love to try a new face cream! Thanks for the tip.
This month I'm walking to work to reduce fuel usage and get my blood pumping in the morning for a fresh start to the day!
Thank you for this sweet giveaway!
I have been looking for a kinder facial cleanser these days and am glad to be introduced to Nahla.
As we finally enter spring I am trying to shift my husband and I into eating more local seasonal produce.
nakwang {at} gmail {dot} com
I would love to try something new and natural without the fear of throwing $$ down the drain. I'm a bike commuter but my new goal is to bring my own lunch so I'm not making extra waste.
mwardian(at) gmail (dot) com
This is absolutely amazing. I'm always looking for natural products to use.
My college is currently going through a lot of upheaval; administrators actually just cancelled classes for the day so that we can take time as a community to come together and listen and be empathetic.
notesneurons (at) gmail (dot) com
What a neat company! I haven't heard of them before, but I'll definitely bookmark the site for the next time I have a bit of disposable income. 🙂 We've been line-drying our laundry for about six months now, but my goal for this spring is to get back on the recycling bandwagon after we were a bit derailed by a kitchen renovation and new baby. (We have to take our recycling to the center, so it's not as easy as putting it on the curb in a separate bin.) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! kerr.ej (at)
What a generous giveaway! This month, for myself and for the earth, starting mammoth sunflowers to plant in the new front yard. Bliss!
[email protected]
Sounds like a great company! I'm starting two gardens in my front yard this week!
This is fabulous! I'd love to try one of the sample kits or the Hydrating Mist. Beautiful! The fiance and I just started using cloth baggies with our packed lunches and now that the weather is a bit nicer I've also started to bike to work. Many thanks!!!
ashley (dot) j (dot) mcconnell (at) gmail (dot) com
I've already done it, a pedicure. But I go to an all-natural spa with natural products. They also dispose of your old (bad) nail polishes the eco-friendly way. Thanks for the opportunity!–Cindy ([email protected])
These products sound amazing, I would love to try their sample kits for acne prone skin. Now that the weather is nicer and we're out and about more, I'm investing in a few reusable water bottles to grab on my way out the door instead of buying the one-time-use bottles. adayinajoyfullife{at}gmail{dot}com.
My goal for 2013 was to start replacing all of my "commercial" beauty and home products with natural/orgainic/cruelty free ones. I've been looking for some new skincare products to replace the ones I've used up or given away. I'm so excited to see that this brand definitly fits the bill for my new natural lifestyle…and the rose hydrating mist sounds heavenly!
I'm going to be more conscious of what I throw away. So many things are reusable/recyclable! Or we can just try to avoid generating waste altogether.
This week I found out I was pregnant, threw out all my reminaing chemicals, and started using homemade simple solutions to household cleaning, like white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. Shoulda done this before but only got round to it when I had someone else to consider ; )
looks truly heavenly. I would love to try the forest mint gnetle foaming milk. What a nice way to end your evening!Jess088(at)
What an amazing give away! I am always on the hunt for quality, all-natural face products. These ones look great. 🙂
This month I'll be riding my bike to work ! Huzzah!
What a nice giveaway and so timely, as lately I've been giving the eye to my medicine cabinet and trying to figure out if everything is naturally friendly 🙂 My goal is to stay clear from store-bought water bottles this summer and become BFFs with my (bpa free!) bottle. Thanks for this opportunity!
what a great giveaway. my sister uses nahla already and raves about it so i think this post must be the universe telling me it's time to make the natural switch. i'd love to try these.
this earth day i started a new yoga practice to get stress in check and have been trying to not waste water after watching a shocking report on our dwindling clean water resources. that means shorter showers but a cleaner conscience.
awesome giveaway!!
We've made a few small changes: bring our own bags to the grocery, switched to cloth napkins and reusable water bottles (even reusing glass, drink bottles works great!). I keep the water bottles in the fridge and just grab one when I head out the door then there's never a need to buy one while I'm out 🙂
thanks and love your blog!
beccasloan (at) gmail (dot) com
Ha:) you, your readers and me we have so much in common. This really makes me happy. Although Germans have been very often pioneers in being eco-friendly I don't see that really often on the people surrounding me here. I pretty much do the same things which you mention, only resulting in raised eyebrows:(
I would love to try out Nahlas products. Of course the shipment costs would be taken over by me.
For right now I'm trying to get away from plastics and produce less garbage through that. You get really conscious about what you consume all day because avoiding plastic is a hard task in our world these days. Of course the giveaway would be an exception (as I can see from the pics these are regular plastic bottles, right?), but a worth one.
[email protected]
Hi Shari! Agreed on the plastic front: Nahla's bottles are actually glass! And beautiful!
I love the Ruby Grapefruit & Honey wash, will definitely need to order. We are trying to go car free for a year, not easy with two teenage daughters who are close to driving age.
This week I'm writing final papers like crazy. For myself, I think I'll take walks around the block during my writing breaks and try not to let stress consume me. To be kind to the planet, I will recycle all the drafts of my papers instead of throwing them away.
My skin's been a little sad lately– I'd love to try their skin serum!
For energy saving, I've been unplugging everything in my house that is not immediately in use!
I will try an idea for cleaning that I saw online. That is, turn an old sweater that is too beat up to wear anymore into a reusable Swiffer cloth. (Wash in machine first to get the shrinkage out of the way, stitch the edges so they don't unravel, then cut to fit, attach to Swiffer & go!)
Such lovely sounding products! I really should get back on that yoga bandwagon, it makes me feel so much better in so many ways. Also, NYC just expanded their recycling laws today! FINALLY we can recycle plastics like normal human beings!
We are moving from West to East coast in a bout a month, and taking very few things in boxes only. I'm going to recycle and donate the most I can from my current home, and then I'm looking forward to have few, meaningful pieces in my new place, hopefully upcycled by my husband and I!
What I'm gonna do for myself? Take it easy with the move, don't skip my yoga classes on Tuesday (hopefully I can make it a second time a week), and eat a lot of veggies. Gonna miss the farmers market here!
Oh, and would live to try the Ultra Sensitive + Mature sample kit. I've been switching to natural products lately but never invested time+money on having a whole set with toner and all the night stuff. So it would be nice to get a glimpse of how the good life could be for my poor skin. Thanks for doing this!
[email protected]
wow, what a beautiful company. thank you for introducing me to it!
this month, i am trying to walk EVERYWHERE. i live in chicago and feel like i rely too much on public transit instead of my feet so that is my solemn vow! you read it here first.
I continue to drink filtered tap water rather than bottled.
Honey, roses and loveliness! For birthday gifts this year, I am arranging succulents from my local garden shop in planters from the thrift store in lieu of mass-produced products. They are the most beautiful and well-received gifts! Thank you for all you share. :::[email protected]:::
Oh I'm always on the lookout for all natural skin care! This might just be something that can help my bit of acne popping up now ^^;
Something kind I'm doing for myself is to do a cleanse. Yes, it seems weird, but after all the horrible reactions I've been having to food lately I think my body would applaud.
I'm always very earth conscious of what I do, but this month I'll be doing some volunteering and perhaps teaching my new roomie how to be a better tree hugger too 🙂
This is amazing. I have dry, sensitive skin. I am always on the lookout for something that is pure and natural but also gets the job done.
This month I want to cook at home more instead of the easy choice or ordering out. We live very busy lives so this is a good challenge.
These products are beautiful! This month I'm improving my vegetable garden and starting our compost! I've also been aiming to drive much less, but that's easier because it's been gorgeous outside lately. (mmkelly12{at}gmail)
erin…i'm like you. i will stand in the aisle reading labels over and over again, unable to make decisions because i just want to do right by my skin and my body! it's always wonderful to be introduced to new products that care as much as we do.
this month i have vowed to eat more leafy greens…organic and local leafy greens. so good for my body and so much better for the environment.
[email protected]
Nahla looks amazing! I love their high standards and quality control through small batch production. This month, my husband and I will be signing up for our annual CSA share. We love supporting local, sustainable agriculture and helping out at the farm. It's a win/win 🙂
Crossing my fingers. [email protected]
I love the packaging and this month I'm embracing the magic that is vinegar in cleaning…[email protected]
I am going to continue walking to work, which is kind to me because I get to enjoy the birds chirping and the beauty of spring and kind to the planet by less carbon emissions from driving.
[email protected]
This looks awesome… lately I've been worrying that my current products are just making things worse for my skin. 🙁 I'm going to keep on walking everywhere since the weather has been so nice. 🙂
I've been trying to take shorter showers to save water. 🙂 I love natural products!
[email protected]
what a lovely giveaway, thank you so much for hosting it.
i just recently entered into 30's and i'm trying very hard to take better care of my skin. because i was blessed with pretty good skin, i used to not use anything (not even sunscreen — ack!) but now i'm trying a few new products while still being conscientious of what goes into them. i'm new at this, and i find it a bit overwhelming and confusing.
but i love anything natural — one good thing i've done for the planet recently is go vegetarian (six months strong). after reading "eating animals" i didn't really have a choice and have been surprised by how little i miss meat. (i purposely skipped the chapter on fish though… technically i guess i'm pescetarian!)
thanks again! hannah k @ [email protected]
The products look amazing, thank you for the giveaway.
I mostly but environmentally conscious products for my personal care, and I would love to try Nahla’s products, especially the remedies. I was curious about the meaning of Nahla, and I found that it means “to drink water” in Arabic.
Inspired by its meaning, and by Nahla’s wonderful commitment to the Earth, to a healthy skin, and to social and environmental causes, I'm going to switch all of my home cleaning products for natural ones – and maybe even try to make my own! I will also commit to make daily water intake a habit!
[email protected]
Although I love taking long showers, I've recently started to make an effort to cut down on the amount of time I spend in there – it's good for the planet and my water bill ^_^ Also, vinegar in water is the best glass cleaner I've ever used.
This is my first time hearing about Nahla, but the products look amazing.
[email protected]
My skin has been playing up ever since I got home from a lengthy overseas adventure, so something like this is exactly what I've been looking for!
I'm working on building up a kitchen garden. I love being able to pick my own ingredients, and so far it's been working well!
[email protected]
Thank you for the giveaway! Their products look lovely and are exactly the kinds of things I like to have in my medicine cabinet. This month we are moving, and have committed to 1) doing the deep clean with grocery store items like baking soda, salt, lemons, vinegar, and elbow grease; and 2) to plant native species in our new back yard, alongside our veggies and herbs.
Keri (kkorteling (at) telus (dot) net.
this is great, I love how their ingredietns are simple and you don't have to google everything, because they have everything written down on their page. I loved the toxic skincare column on their page.
What I'll do for this planet is, that I'll start cleaning sinks and bathtubs with vinegar, and I'll use coffee for fertilizing my flower pots instead of chemical ones.
Great giveaway!
I love the look of their products, I always have bad reactions to the common drug store products that are full of chemicals and love to try things that are actually good for my skin.
To be kinder to myself and the environment, I've already began to switch to non-GMO foods, but I'm also starting to only eat meat once a day. I'm trying to buy meat that is sustainable and humanly raised (same goes for fish, avoiding the ones that are already over-fished in our oceans).
These products look lovely. I recently made the switch to chemical-free beauty products, and I haven't looked back.
I am in the midst of grad school finals right now, but in order to be kind to myself (and the planet), and I am trying to shut off my computer earlier in the evenings, turn out the lights, and meditate.
[email protected]
What a lovely product line. I love the beauty secrets feature of the website!
This month I will be spending time in the garden with my 3 year old planting lots of food to eat. I cannot think of anything better! [email protected]
Wow, those products look great! This month, I'm trying to get more sleep (instead of doing too much).
Misti ([email protected])
That bulgarian rose hydrating mist sounds heavenly. This month I've finally switched dry cleaners to a "green" company, that hopefully is slightly better for the environment and me!
Bea ([email protected])
Hey Erin! These products look great! I was thinking for a Mother's Day gift. Or an advisor's day gift, as she is a mom as well:) I have switched to making my own coffee in the morning, instead of buying lattes or drinking ghastly energy drinks. Less pollution for earth and in body!
Beautiful! I've been trying oil on my face and have been loving it. It would be nice to have something for my body as well! So exciting to see this space grow!
Count me in! bookwormmeetsbookworm[at]gmail[dot]com.
Thanks 🙂
I've been ooh-ing and aah-ing over their products for awhile now, but haven't pulled the trigger. This would be a wonderful way to get to try them out and see how their products fit my (finicky) skin! 🙂
As far as new "greener" changes we're initiating this month… we're finally switching over to ONLY using our re-useable grocery bags. We've always had several, but haven't been good about remembering to use them. So, while it's not a "big" thing, it will certainly make at least some difference. 🙂
[email protected]
What lovely, clean products!
[email protected]
These products look fantastic. I'm reading a book about scary chemicals in our lives, and it's making me look at all of my toiletries in a new way… This would be a great answer.
For earth day, we are doing what we can to drive less. In fact, we didn't turn the car on all weekend. Hello bikes, walking, and the city bus!
I've been trying to skip the bus and walk home from work. Sometimes chilly, always enjoyable. The Nahla products look lovely!
Lovely products! I try my best to minimize chemicals in my home and on my body. These fit the bill!
I will be riding my bicycle to work this summer — free and green!
[email protected]
This month I'm reviving my herb garden and looking forward to some quiet moments to myself with a cup of mint tea straight from the garden.
How lovely! A good product that's good for all! This month I'm going through a big BIG overhaul and making a project of simplifying my life down to what really matters. I'll be going through my makeup and products and getting rid of anything that's not good for me or our Mother Earth, i'll be exorcising my closet of all that i don't love, i'm reducing the mail we're getting to cut down on paper coming into my home and finally and, i think, most importantly, i'm reducing my information intake. I want to take in what is good and lovely and what i am interested in, i have too many thinks on my reeder that I don't read or even like but look at out of boredom and my reading list on my browser is OUT OF CONTROL. I'll be cleaning things up and cutting down. I want life to be to the point, healthy for me and my little family (mind, body and soul) and most importantly, PRESENT. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
In fact, one of the big things I'm doing is simply trying to eliminate as many products as I can, as I've found most of them to be more harmful, or at least neutral/unnecessary, than helpful. But I love the sound of these Nahla products! How lovely.
[email protected]
I've just started researching natural skincare products; Nahla looks amazing! This week I've recycled my plastic shopping bags and have procured reusable grocery bags.
I'm planting my own victory garden (organically) with compost from my kitchen and local manure. Keeping my carbon footprint as small as possible while eating whole real foods.
I'd love to try out this line. I'm always looking for a more natural beauty line.
This month I'm going to be kinder to myself and my planet by drinking more water from my reusable water bottle! I love this site and I have such dry skin it would be great to try something from their line designed for sensitive dry skin 🙂 Thank you for such a great giveaway!
x dotti dee
( [email protected] )
haha I commented with my nursing school project blog! Oh well 😉
It is so exciting to be able to understand the ingredients in these products! I would love to try them out. I am learning more every day about all the toxins that contaminate so much of what I thought was safe to put on my skin.
This month I plan on helping plant a garden as a gift to my Mother. I will also continue to strive to evaluate my food choices as I make the switch to organic, Non-GMO and whole foods. Thanks for posting!!
[email protected]
April has been a beautiful blur so far; I turned 28 and my wonderful boyfriend proposed! Rather than rush into wedding planning, we are planting a garden now, sowing seeds literal and figurative for our future.
The plan is to be nice to the earth and enjoy the bounty of our own backyard as we let the plans (and plants) grow.
Cleaning up with the Forest Mint foaming milk would be a lovely end to the day.
katia [dot] ostrowski [at] gmail [dot] com
Hi! This month, as my boyfriend moves into my very small studio apartment, I'll be looking for more ways to generate less trash. For example, using more rags to clean instead of paper towels, more glass food containers instead of opting for plastic zipper bags. I have also started using jojoba oil for my face and have been quite pleased at the results that something natural could have on my face without all the harmful toxins.
Thanks much!
What lovely looking products – would love to try them out! I am going to remember to take my canvas shopping bag with me all the time, instead of having to use a plastic bag.
Wendy @ Moral Fibres – Where sustainable living is hip, not hippie.
Thank you for the great giveaway! As a special treat for myself I'm trying a new recipe for a homemade foundation. ~Molly
[email protected]
thanks for introducing nahla! i will be purchasing items for my mother's day present, but I don't see on the website that the proceeds are going towards one fund boston? I hope it does!
Lots of comments!
I have pretty self motivated about being green. Now I will try to educate my friends about making small changes that add up. It always have been difficult for me to gently communicate to others without turning into an admonishing aunt. I am a big advocate of keeping a small nylon bag in my purse for groceries. One way that works is to tell others that they will save money in the long run. For example now in the line at Target or at Whole Foods I tell people that if they bring their own bags, they will get a refund for each bag they don't use, so adding 10,20 cents or more on each grocery bill is not bad. At Trader's Joe you can enter a raffle and win cash for groceries.
Next will be to educate my neighbors about composting and recycling which they don't do. The number 5 plastics are the worst problem, you can't recycle them so you need to bring them at Whole Foods which is a whole project in itself.
placed an order for a sampler kit and quince oil. SO looking forward to trying it all out. **thank you** for the promotion. 🙂
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