You know what sound I really love? The sound of hot water being poured from a kettle. It’s a thick sound, isn’t it? All burbles and steam and the promise of something warm? Everyday magic, right?
But the sound of hot water being poured when it’s destined to for a cup of hard-working herbal tea? In a moment when I could use a little extra support? A little boost to the immune system? A quieting of frayed nerves? A moment of calm? Even better.
I’m thrilled to be partnering with one of my favorite resources for herbal supplements in tea form. Traditional Medicinals herbal teas are made with certified Organic herbs and plants. They’re a staple in my house. I used their Raspberry Leaf tea when I was pregnant and their Throat Coat and Echinacea Plus blends are always on standby. This week, Traditional Medicinals is giving one lucky reader a collection of teas from their relaxation lineβa little gift to help promote self-care in the doldrums of winter.
The teas might be just what you need to create an atmosphere of calm, or find a bit of help on a night when sleep is elusive, or simply indulge in a little after-dinner quiet.
Stressed? Cup of Calm is designed to offer a bit of serenity in the middle of a busy day or night. Relaxing herbs in the blend include passionflower, chamomile, lavender and catnip.*
Can’t sleep? Nighty Night is a passionflower tea combined with chamomile, linden flower and hops, for a mellow blend to help you on your way to a good night’s rest.*
Tense? The Chamomile with Lavender tea helps settle your nervous system and relax your digestive system.*
To enter the giveaway, leave a comment below complete with a way to contact you and a note about your favorite way to find a moment of calm on a busy day.
The giveaway will close at 5:00 pm EST on Saturday, January 31, 2015 and a randomly selected winner will be announced on Monday, February 2, 2015. Open to all readers. This giveaway is now closed; thanks so much for entering!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This post and giveaway was sponsored by Traditional Medicinals. Thanks so much for supporting the thoughtful, sustainable companies that keep Reading My Tea Leaves afloat.
I could use some nighty night!
whoops… you can contact me at [email protected] if I win π
I swear by their gypsy cold care!
Finding a moment of calm means a day of good napping for my 6 month old… otherwise I'm frantically running around getting stuff done around the house and trying to eat something before he awakens. But those days of successful long naps are truly golden. And always involve tea.
I work so much right now! I could use a little cup of calm. After a busy day, we like to play board games as a family. It's a nice moment that we spend together. You can contact me at [email protected] if I'm lucky!
Spending a minute or two to write a letter to a loved one always makes me feel centered.
Sitting outside with my 7 month old enjoying the fresh air and a peaceful moment in nature together. [email protected].
Taking a few minutes (sometimes literally just a few) to read at the end of a long day always makes me feel more calm before heading to bed. [email protected]
Coming home to my dog after a busy day at work, going for a walk together, returning to our warm & cozy apartment to snuggle together in the sofa with a good cuppa tea ALWAYS does the trick! [email protected]
I walk home from work everyday, about 30 minutes or so, and listen to a soft playlist. After a long day at the office it feels so good to move my body and give my brain a rest. [email protected]
I usually unwind at the end of the day with a good book and a cup of herbal tea. Cliche, I know, but it does the trick beautifully! [email protected]
I never miss a cup of 4 o'clock tea – working in an office environment, its my way to protect my peace and offer a bit of calm to an otherwise crazy day. [email protected]
I find a moment of calm by sitting on my porch with my pup and husband. [email protected]
I've been drinking traditional medicinal tea since I was little! To stay calm on a busy day I make a to-do list! Staying organized and being able to check off completed tasks makes me feel accomplished and calm. [email protected]
Tea is one of my very favorite ways to take a moment for myself during a crazy day. Tea and a walk with my dogs and husband- nirvana! [email protected]
Lovely! I drink their teas pretty regularly. In fact, a cup of tea is often how I find a moment of calm. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm at dramanpr at aol dot com.
How do I fine calm in a day full of kiddo and life chaos? Tea of course. Just the simple act of stopping all other activity to put the kettle on begins to bring me balance. My girls know that when I make tea, all requests are off for 10 minutes while I sit with my cup. Most times they love to sit with their little cups too. Thank you for the giveaway!
If I'm feeling overwhelmed, some time making a to-list can help. [email protected]
love their teas! scgrits at gmail dot com
Always! Thank you!
Delightful! I looked at the Medicinal teas when I was at Whole Foods and had no idea where to begin. Your give-a-way would be a great start. Tea is always a great way to "calm" the day.
The best way for me to calm frazzled nerves is a warm epsom salt bath and a good book.
Did you take all of these photos? They are gorgeous!
Always! Thank you!
Tea is really my go-to on a stressful day. Or sometimes at the end of a long day, a bath, lit candle, and good book are all I need. [email protected]
I'd have to say a cup of tea and a biscuit! Bit too English of me! xx [email protected]
This is my second winter in MontrΓ©al (I'm a west coast girl) and I feel cabin-fever-y and antsy. I've been keeping a journal this month, to process thoughts and reflect a little on how Im feeling and why. I think some tea would fit into the habit pretty nicely.
[email protected]
To relax when I get home I get in a workout and then put on my cozy clothes and slippers and make a cup of tea or cocoa if i am feeling indulgent. Recently I have fallen in love with Traditional Medicines Egyptian Licorice Root…spicy sweet and so good!
Definitely a walk, tea and a bath. [email protected]
Tea is my all time calming ritual at the end of a stressful day. I love Traditional Medicinals! I drank their pregnancy tea when I was pregnant and I must confess I liked it so much I still drink it not pregnant!
[email protected]
This is 'terrible for sleep' I know, I know. But an episode of a favorite show in bed with a cup of tea is my post busy day treat.
Viparita Karani, legs up the wall restorative yoga pose… then puppy cuddling and Nighty Night tea. Husband loves Throat Coat! jessicaneligon @ gmail dot com
Hot bath, lavender, and meditation are my favorite ways to chill. I use Traditional Medicinals tea every day!
Just had a nice cup of Throat Coat with honey last night. I only recently started drinking tea, and found that while I can leave green tea and black tea at the door, I really like a cup of something herbal. It's been nice to switch out an evening cocktail for an evening hot tea instead. I love having something to smell and taste and warm me up all in one convenient mug!
saraherdlen (at) gmail (dot) com
Tea has become such a staple in my life this winter. My moments of calm have been found in the morning with my cup of tea, my favorite blogs, and writing my daily to-do list.
Courtney Chilton
I love cozying up with a good book! Otherwise meditation or taking a few deep breaths always helps me to find moments of calm. Contact me at [email protected].
Reading a good book, while sipping a cup of warm tea, is my way to find calm.
I love a cup of hot tea!!! My favorite ways to see out calm are going for a walk outside, sitting down to chat with a friend, getting a simple task (like folding towels and putting them away) done, or soaking in a few moments of quiet.
My e-mail is [email protected]
If I'm feeling particularly overwhelmed by the day's events, I find that there is nothing more restorative than a walk. Walking slows down the pace of the day, allows me to listen to the birds, and makes everything seem more manageable. And some delicious and life-giving tea never hurt, either!
Bailey Lininger
[email protected]
I try to take a 5 minute break, especially on days that are jam-packed. Just closing my eyes and attempting to meditate helps, or stepping away from my desk for a little while does the trick.
[email protected]
What a lovely idea! Self-care is so important, especially in the winter when it's easy to let things slide. I've recently begun starting my day with a little bit of yoga. It's usually no more than 20 minutes, but it helps me stretch out, wake up, and remember to be compassionate with myself throughout the day. Definitely worth the effort!
kay [dot] paljug [at] gmail [dot] come
I start most mornings at 5:30 before the family gets up with a cup of their roasted dandelion root tea and twinkly lights and prayer. When I do this I am much less likely to ruffle as the day goes on.
But if I ruffle…I step outside for a few deep breaths. That usually transforms all
[email protected]
I watch Downton Abbey when I come home from work π my email is [email protected]
I love to sit on my balcony and look at the lights, rain or shine! [email protected]
I've been hitting the tea hard this winter. I always want to try new ones, but tend to play it safe and stay with what I know I like and will drink. A sampler would be wonderful!
A way to find calm…I like to find a quiet, private spot (even if it's the bathroom at work!), rest my hand on my stomach, and focus on breathing for a moment. I end with a HUGE deep inhale and exhale, then say to myself "You got this!"
shiro.vb at
lighting a candle or some incense, listening to classical music, dancing a bit around the apartment, and a cup of tea or wine, depending on my mood!
kerokaeru at hotmail
sitting on the sofa with a warm cup of tea in a candlelit room listening to the silence is my favorite way to relax and reconnect with myself.
roopalibh at
Doodling with colored pencils has helped my find my moments of calm this Winter. Whether I'm on the subway or in my apartment it's a nice way to carve out time for to myself to create and be calm. [email protected]
I've always loved Traditional Medicinals, their lavender chamomile is simply the best. I absolutely love moments when I can sit with hot herbal tea, a candle lit and something good to read at the end of the day. [email protected]
I Love love love tea. Especially in the evenings. [email protected]
My calm is first thing in the morning with a cup of warm lemon water before I start the day. [email protected]
I'm a busy grad student and I really enjoy the moments when I'm walking around campus. That quick breath of fresh air between classes, the library, and work is so rejuvenating!
I love to brew a cup of herbal tea at night to help me unwind before bed, and Traditional Medicinals Chamomile and Lavendar is one of my favorites right now! kamille(underscore)[email protected]
My calm moment is a warm bath, followed by a cup of tea and a book… π
Pls contact me on twitter @BeingRaquel and THANK YOU for the giveaway π
I find my peace outside so I do my best to take a walk every day, no matter where I am. I take deep breaths and life always comes back into perspective, no matter how crazy my day may be. [email protected]
Brook Farm General Store! Link on my FAQ page!
I'm with you, tea for calm. Or a fresh sketchbook page, with a pen to wander through it.
oops! email is crbabbie {at} gmail {dot.} com
A cup of tea, a book, and a blanket while lounging on my favorite chaise with our dog. [email protected]. PS where can I find the cups featured in the photos above?
Brook Farm General Store! Link on my FAQ page!
not entering the giveaway because MY BROTHER WORKS THERE and my pantry is filled to the brim with their tea therapy already..but writing because it was just SO COOL to see their little tea tags on your page this morning (I save them for craft projects because they have sweet, encouraging words on them like, 'renew' / 'create' / 'smile' / 'connect'). we sip this stuff morning and evening at our house. some faves on our end: Nettle Leaf, Back on Tract, Cup of Calm, and of course you cannot beat Throat Coat when your throat is hurting. HIP HIP HOORAY FOR TM!!! π
Throat Coat is always on stand by in our home too. For a moment of calm, a cup of tea is often my go-to. In a pinch, just a few deep breaths and a roll of my shoulders can do the trick too. kimberlydawnlacroix {at} gmail {dot} com
A cup of tea or a nice latte usually is a good pick me up'er fo me! Just a moment by myself to sort my thoughts. [email protected]
I love Traditional Medicinals! I'm steeping a cup of Gypsy Cold Care as I type. After a particularly long and stressful day, I like to start my bedtime routine early. I stay away from screens, maybe take a hot shower, flip through a magazine or a coffee table book and make myself a cup of Nighty Night. jbruntlett (at) gmail (dot) com
I relax with a cup of tea whether it is out on the deck on a pretty day or in my recliner in the evenings [email protected]
I also love their Throat Coat and Red Raspberry! What a wonderful teat brand. π
[email protected]
I find my calm by giving my 3 children hugs. Something about a hug from them changes my entire perspective. I don't drink tea, but my little sister just started her first job, and she loves tea! She could sure use a nice warm cup of calm! – [email protected], btw I love your blog.
a cup of tea every am at work is how i find my calm
cuddling my little! (love their mother's milk tea, too). [email protected]
My favorite way to relax happens to be with a cup of tea! After my boys are in bed I brew a cup of something herbal and sit at my sewing machine to quilt π
My moment of calm comes when I make a cup of tea, have a delicious snack, and sit with a good book! [email protected]
I'm a very visual person, and I've recently gotten into Pinterest. I've been slowly pinning copious photos of indoor jungles, cozy reading nooks, twinkle-lit porches, and well-appointed hammocks. When i'm feeling stressed or just need to take a moment, I've found flipping through some of my aspirational pins really calms me down. I guess you could call it slightly unfocused goal-setting, but it's also just the act of looking at things I find beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway, Erin! Love your blog so much. [email protected]
I love to wake up about an hour before the rest of the house to have a bit of time to myself. I make a cup of tea, light a beeswax candle and read. Such a wonderful start to my day!
I've learned to make the most of my commute to find calm – whether it's breathing deep and looking out at the river while jammed on a bus or escaping public transportation and walking or biking home. But that doesn't mean that I don't love a good cup of tea and a book, because I definitely make time for those as well. My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
For me finding calm during a busy day is taking a minute to breath in and out for 4 long breaths. It helps so much to just count the seconds in and out.
I can be reached at [email protected]
sometimes my calm is a long run. sometimes my calm is 20 minutes of yoga and a cup of tea with lemon and honey. [email protected]
when i need some me time, i take a bath and read something light.
amber (dot) berson (at) gmail
Ahhh tea is a lovely luxury. My favorite way to keep calm is always giving myself perspective. I've realized that always saying to myself how much worse things could be helps me keep grounded and move on from whatever strife happens to be plaguing me that day. π But tea helps too!
Oh how I love tea and this post! I find reading helps me keep calm most days and tea or every cold water with lemon if tea is not available. Thanks for blogging Erin! My email is [email protected]
No matter what's happening in my life, I always try to take at least a bath or two a week. I've found that there's hardly any personal or professional anxiety that a nice hot bath won't help lessen the load of. And what's better than a warm cup of tea with a relaxing bath?
[email protected]
beautiful. each work day around 2 or 3 p.m., i take a break from whatever i'm doing and eat a little snack, have a cup of green tea and surf my favorite blogs or write a few lines about how i'm feeling that day in a journal while listening to a classical music pandora station. it's a nice little moment to myself that recharges me to power through the rest of my work that day.
bethanybump [at] gmail [dot] com
Knit and purl calms me.
Hi Erin, I usually find time in a busy day by making tea and enjoying the time it takes to become just cool enough to begin sipping. These few moments are always so calming to me.
[email protected]
My husband and I have "tea time" every night when he comes home for work. We pour tea, put on slippers, and talk about our day (with our Goldendoodle smack dab in the middle of us). No electronics or distractions. It's a really nice part of my day!
When I get home every afternoon I plug my headphones to a new downloaded podcast and take a 20-30 minute calm walk with my dog, rain or shine. I feel it gives me a good break and transition between my work day and my evening at home with myself or loved ones.
Having tea afterwards is always a great extra, especially in these cold days.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity! (hsheflyand at gmail dot com)
I drink tea every afternoon when I'm at the office…it's not the most calm part of the day, so that's why I drink it!
I love to warm up my hands around my cup, and to breathe some good smells!
…and my colleagues join me!!
so, even the office can be a good place to stay!
[email protected]
I typically will take a break by going outside to my garden to smell and munch on a few of my herbs. Smelling my lavender always makes me feel happy and calm.
[email protected]
I love to add calm to my day first thing in the morning…before the rest of the house wakes up. I make a cup of tea and sit on the couch, usually with a magazine or book. It is my favorite way to mentally prep myself for a busy day π
Thank you,
Stephanie LaBarbera
[email protected]
being by the water always does it for me, sea, river, lake or even out in the rain!!! [email protected]
I learned about Traditional Medicinals when I was pregnant with my first child. My midwife gave me Mother's Milk and I am still drinking it five years later because it is so beneficial and delicious! My calm usually comes at the end of the day when the rest of my family has gone to sleep. I read a book by the fire (or look at blogs with beautiful photography) and usually drink something with chamomile until my thoughts are clear and I am ready for sleep.
[email protected]
I love and use Traditional Medicinal Teas. Their Detox teas is one of my favorites. For me the best way to find some calm in the storm is to literally get away and go for a walk. If it's nice out, five minutes around the block clears my head and calms me. At work it means leaving my office and walking around the parking lot or different departments. Just stopping everything to do that calms me. I can be reached at [email protected]. thanks! ps i really enjoy your blog : )
"It's a thick sound." What lovely, vivid language. You perfectly described a part of the ritual of tea I didn't even know I enjoyed. Cheers!
I add calm to my day by stretching in the morning and writing in a gratitude journal in the evening. Tea always helps too π
[email protected]
My sister-in-law gave me some Traditional Medicinals Chamomile and Lavender to try and it has become one of my favorite nighttime teas! I even got my mom hooked on it! I can be reached at [email protected].
I love their teas! The ginger is always in my tea cabinet.
I love to take time to go to yoga! You can contact me at [email protected]
[email protected] A hot bath and a good book. The teas look and sound wonderful!
I really like meditating; it's an excuse to have a few minutes of quiet and destress! I'm at [email protected]
Tea is the best. π I like to get out of the house and go for a quiet walk to find some calm. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Having a cup of tea is in fact my way to unwind and relax π you can contact me at [email protected].
I relax each night with a cup of tea and a square of good dark chocolate. It's a ritual that I never want to give up!
I can be reached at [email protected]. Cheers!
I run in the very early mornings, and always think of it as a moving meditation. I like to watch the world wake up. Here in Chicago we're all snowed in, and the lake looks cold and gray and beautiful and better for it.
Thanks for the giveaway – I love these teas, and am down to my last packet of Chamomile with Lavender! You can reach me at [email protected]
to relax at the end of the day, I like to have a warm shower by scented candle light, then I massage lavender oil on my temples to ensure a good nightβs sleep β a herbal tea would complete the ritual!
[email protected]
Herbal tea in my best mug is my favorite way to relax:)
[email protected]
Perhaps oddly, my way to relax is getting up early before everyone else in my home, and getting a workout in followed by a long hot shower. I don't get any other time to myself all day every day, so I cherish my earlybird routine. It sets me up for a more relaxed day to come! zoveg(at)yahoo(dot)com
We love, LOVE Nighty, Night tea in our family- we ship is specially to our home in South Korea (while teaching). Such a treat, agree with the dark chocolate, too! <3
[email protected]
Hi Angela, We just need a way to be able to contact you in case you're the winner. If you'd like to shoot me an email, I'd be happy to include you in the giveaway!
Your giveaway couldn't present itself in a better timing than this- I was feeling sorry for myself this morning, being seven months into my pregnancy and having difficulty getting a good night sleep. Teas and dark chocolate are always there for the rescue…
What a lovely tea set. I find calm by reading a good book.
I can be reached at cmcquistion at gmail dot com.
Is there a way to enter the giveaway without publishing personal info?
Hi Angela, We just need a way to be able to contact you in case you're the winner. If you'd like to shoot me an email, I'd be happy to include you in the giveaway!
My favorite relaxation ritual usually involves an afternoon tea latte or sometimes iced coffee. Also, my Sleep Cycle app is a great way to sneak in a quick power nap if I have the time!
I just love to sit in my corner chair after a long day with tea and read from a book. I find that little bit of an escape gets my mind off of everything else.
[email protected]
I love my cup of calm tea before going to bed after a long stressful day.
I can be reach at pamgarita at
A cup of peppermint and rose petal tea with a moment to daydream while gazing out a window are how I find my calm π Kailyardkitchen at gmail
Traditional Medicinals is my favorite tea brand!! Love it. Tea is in fact my favorite way to calm down
I recognized the label on the tea bag immediately- I love LOVE their lavender chamomile. My boss actually introduced me to it!
My moment of calm doesn't happen AT work. Unless I can get away and grab a piece of chocolate and some tea :o). I have recently tried doing yoga after work and it calms me down in a huge way. Something about being present instead of letting my mind run with a million things at once!
everylittlethingsers at gmail dot com
I find a moment of calm by wrapping myself in a blanket, making some french press coffee, and sitting in a comfy spot by a big window π
jessicabeimers at gmail . com
One of my favorite ways to have a moment of calm on a busy day is to sit with a cup of herbal tea and a meal, and take a few minutes just being fully present while I sip my tea and eat. I try not to let any distractions in and I don't get check my phone. I pay attention to the flavors of my tea and food. It might sound simple, but so often we rush through eating, and I think especially on busy days it makes such a difference to be fully present while we nourish our bodies. I find I'm happier, calmer, and able to listen to my body better when I take the time to be present as I eat. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
amanda at driverphoto dot net
I love reading a good book after a long day! A great alternative is watching my favorite vlogs from Youtube, or lighting my scented candle while doing anything I can do while snuggling on the comfort of my bed π
[email protected]
Meditation is my favorite way to take a break! [email protected]
Nursing my 8 month old has become my go to moments of silence and rest throughout the day as of late. He is the best reminder to slow down and take a moment. I would love to sip any of these teas.
[email protected]
My need to promote calm is essential in my busy nonstop life of stress. I get into flannel pj's after dinner and make a cup of throat coat. I love the taste of it and its very soothing to the spirit. Then my cat and I snuggle under our favorite blanket on my comfy couch while enjoying perfect calm and quiet with a book and candles. I have a herbal pillow with lavender for relaxation. It makes for a very relaxing way to unwind after days of extreme stress. throat Coat is my go to tea for relaxation and self care. [email protected]
Just reading a good book with a cup of tea…
I didn't know the brand, I would love to try any of these teas.
[email protected]
I find chai tea soothing and I love to drink a cup around 2 am when I'm working nights at the hospital…otherwise (if I'm at home) I love to put on my comfy pjs, pour myself a nice glass of red wine and curl up on the couch with a good book…
[email protected]
My way to relax after a hard day is simple: work clothes off, comfy pants on!
A 4-mile hike on my favorite hiking trail. Starts at a small lake and climbs a mountain to give a view of the beautiful Appalachian mountains. Gives me a chance to clear my head and enjoy the outdoors, at the same time as getting some much-appreciated exercise π Contact: [email protected]. Thanks!!
Waking up a little earlier before everyone else and enjoying a cup of tea all by myself. But I would love these teas for my poor sister in law who is eight months pregnant and about to move their little family before the baby arrives. (and maybe one nerve calming tea for me, because I'm so sad that they are moving away) Thanks. Katrin ([email protected])
Whether it be a 5 minute meditation or a cup of tea, green tea with lemongrass is a favorite, taking a minute to pause is the way to go.
I love drinking a hot cup of melissa and jasmine tea for winding down. [email protected]
Every morning before I head to grad school, I make myself oatmeal and a big french press of coffee–but then, when I'm otherwise completely ready to go, I make a big pot of herbal tea and light a candle or two. Those ten minutes remind me to slow down, savor the moment, and breathe, even when I'm constantly racing to the finish line with my degree. They're what get me out of bed each day. ([email protected])
I would love to win this. I do drink tea for medicinal purposes, even though I have been known to complain about the taste of Throat Coat. π
Curling up with a good knitting project and a cup of tea always brings me calm. [email protected]
For me, being a stay at home dad means the calm in my day is found through stolen moments of reflection and a warm mug, sitting in front of our floor-ceiling window in the living room as my son takes his morning nap.
IG: @abcolston
[email protected]
Morning is the best time to grab a moment of calm sipping a hot beverage. When all is quiet and still I move about or sit still. Throat Coat is my fave tea!!! sixaguilarsatgmaildotcom
My time to calm down is to make sure I get outdoors at some point in the day. The further away from excess noise the better!
Closing my eyes and taking deep breaths is how I invite calm and peacefulness. Sometimes a mantra. Hot tea always helps too! I love these mugs, by the way. What kind are they?
I find calm in the ritual of tea, same mug, same sweetener, lemon or orange slices, and choosing a tea to suit that day while the water boils. ( [email protected])
I love Traditional Medicinals as well! My whole family uses their Throat Coat tea when needed, and I use their pregnancy tea. My favorite way to invite a bit of calm in is with a mug of hot tea or coco and a square of dark chocolate. Though during the summer, I prefer a good bask in the sun with a book. ([email protected])
I try to do yoga everyday! It is the perfect way to either wake up and start the day or destress after I have had a long one. ([email protected])
I wake up early and try to be quiet with my cup of tea…then I wait for the caffeine to kick in. π
I usually have a nice hot cup of tea/tisane. I even keep a stash in my grad student office so I have nice blends on hand. However, lavender oil is my secret weapon. I keep a small vial/roll-on in a little pouch in my backpack. If the day is really busy or if I feel a little nervous before a presentation, I will dab some on my wrists and temples. It really helps to calm the nerves.
[email protected]
Love this giveaway–thank you for the chance. I need to be reminded to take some time for myself. I am currently sick and exhausted (my 15 month old has STOPPED sleeping), so this feels so timely. For a moment of calm, I usually take a hot bath or listen to a Ben Howard song. Red wine seems to help too! π Thanks for your lovely blog, Erin. ~Lindsay
[email protected]
I am a big fan of tea that helps you sleep and Chamomile is a constant in this household. One of my favorite ways to find a note of calm on a busy day is to just lay on the floor next to my dog and cuddle for a moment. He is such a love bug and his world is so simple, I love it. [email protected].
Hey Christina, Thanks for your note! I drank raspberry leaf tea throughout my pregnancy as a uterine toner, but you should definitely check with your own health practitioner to see what's best for you!
Come winter, I can never stock enough tea, so this is a giveaway near and dear to me.
My formula for calm these days: a face massage ( with really lush oil (usually Nuxe huile prodigieuse). It feels like heaven every time.
Herbals are tisanes….NOT TEA. Please, there is a huge difference and it would be so nice if you would reflect that since you are very influential. Health benefits are vastly different between tea and tisane. Hercule Poirot knew the difference
Oh, dear! Strong feelings about tisanes! π In the US, herbal tea is the term that most people recognize, so I've used it here. But you're right, tisane is more precise! Thanks for reading!
Just seeing this now! Not a worry! And yes: just had a delightful cup of Rooibos on Friday! Happy tea/tisane drinking;)
What a fabulous giveaway! Hot tea is certainly a winter staple for me. I especially enjoy it wrapped up in a blanket on the couch in the evenings after a long day at work. Yoga also helps me find space and moments of calm. π
I'm also curious if anyone has any information about herbal teas while pregnant? I have read a lot about raspberry leaf tea being great for pregnancy, and then I have seen some articles that say you shouldn't do any herbal tea until second trimester? I'm still only half way through first so any advice is appreciated! It seems to me like how can herbal tea hurt, but that could be naive of me!
Hey Christina, Thanks for your note! I drank raspberry leaf tea throughout my pregnancy as a uterine toner, but you should definitely check with your own health practitioner to see what's best for you!
Thanks Erin! Seems to be a safe bet.
These look amazing in the midst of a snowy January. I struggle finding calm on a busy day, but my go-to move for an instant reset/rejuvenation is to dab a drop of peppermint essential oil on the nape of my neck. And as simple as it sounds, reminding myself to breathe deeply works wonders. ([email protected])
Oh, dear! Strong feelings about tisanes! π In the US, herbal tea is the term that most people recognize, so I've used it here. But you're right, tisane is more precise! Thanks for reading!
What a perfect giveaway! I have been battling a slew of immune system issues this winter, and countless cups of Traditional Medicinals' teas have helped get me through some long, cough-filled nights.
What a perfect giveaway! I have been battling a slew of immune system issues this winter, and countless cups of Traditional Medicinals' teas have helped get me through some long, cough-filled nights.
I love tea! I drink it often because I tend to get sick while away at college. On a busy day, I tend to relax by drinking tea and appreciating and reflecting on my day for a few minutes before I jump back into the thick of it all. ([email protected])
Tea is a must throughout my day! What a great giveaway to have during these harsh winter months. Music is a sense of calm for me at any part of the day. That brief escape into a song calms my mind. [email protected]
These are such great teas – ! Throat Coat was my favorite for a recent lingering cough. To find a moment of calm, I like to step out for a walk in the snow with my dog and breathe in that cold, fresh air. We live in rural Maine and just got a big stack of it! Plus, watching my dog shove his nose into drifts and come up with a white beard makes me laugh every time and is a great de-stressor. π My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
These teas are beautiful and have authentically medicinal ingredients. I drink at least one every day! Developing a home yoga practice has been incredibly helpful. I can ground myself every day, whether it's for 10 minutes or an hour.
My 7 year old nephew and I will take our dog for a long walk. As the dog runs ahead we always hold hands, talk about our day and find something new in the neighborhood that we seemed to have not seen the past million times we walked the same route.
Some times we just sit on the park bench and listen to the quietness…until the said dog comes barreling past us to get that squirrel or being chased by the squirrel lol.
My Grandparents were big tea drinkers and I still have the tea mug my Grandfather made me π
[email protected]
As winter settles deep into the bones of Washington, D.C., tea is my choice hot beverage to warm me up and settle me down after a chaotic day. For a little slice of calm, I find that stretching, a quick phone-call to my sweet momma, writing a postcard, baking granola, or wandering an art museum by myself work wonders to bring me rest. My e-mail is [email protected].
My tea intake has increased lately as I have stop drinking soda as a new year's resolution, so this giveaway is perfect! When I have the time, my ideal moment of calm is a hot bath with a glass of wine or tea. If it's just a quick moment to refocus, I like the take a few minutes to read some pages in whatever book I'm on, and escape for as long as I can.
kjyates [at] gmail [dot] com
The best calm-down cure I have is two-fold: washing dishes while listening to Sharon van Etten.
My email's waleckak [at] gmail [doooot] com
My favorite way to calm down at night is to read a great book (or e-book, lol) in front of a fire in the fireplace. Heavenly!
wmr1601 (at) gmail (dot) com
two ways that i love to relax – write a letter & listen to an audio book.
[email protected]
I feel like my day is go, go, go so when the kids go to bed finally, I let out a big breath and just chill with my husband on the couch, doing whatever I need to do and sometimes, he builds a nice fire in the fireplace–those evenings are the nicest!
[email protected]
Rotea was happy to discover a few bags of Throat Coat in his desk today! We need it. We've also drunken other Traditional Medicinals herbals. My favorite way to be calm throughout the day is to prepare tea. I like watching the leaves transform in the pot then drinking the first few sips to know if I steeped the leaves just right.
Herbal tea and tidying my bedroom help me relax. I love putting everything in its proper place.
[email protected]
Dear Erin, i guess I am a bit of a tea snob…sorry if I came across poorly. Tea, camellia senensis, after water, is the most consumed beverage on the planet and has many excellent traits and health benefits also. Tea does have caffeine, but I like to say, the caffeine in coffee gives you a shove, while the caffeine in tea gives you a hug!
The "red bush tea" rooibos, from South Africa is another tisane that is chock full of healthy benefits. Have you tried any rooibos! Great for nursing moms!
My favorite way to find a moment of calm on a busy day, is to curl up on my chair with a cup of hot tea and enjoying the view from my window.
Nicole.ddziedzic at gmail dot com
Love their teas! My standard "moment of calm" is to brew a cup of tea, and stand by my office window, looking out over the landscape.
tnt dot thompson at yahoo dot com
God, I love teas. After a brief stint with coffee, I have recently gone back to my initial love for all things tea. Another way to quiet the mind on a hectic day is, time permitting, to get out and take a walk somewhere nice, like a park or a quiet street.
anca [dot] orjen [at] gmail [dot] com
Favorite way to realx: lighting a candle—and curling up with a cup of tea, hot cocoa or coffee and a book! Thanks for the chance to win! [email protected]
LOVE Traditional Medicinals! Throat Coat is a lifesaver. Love to relax with a good book, a good blanket, a good cat, and a good cup of tea or glass of red wine. Love this post!! [email protected]
it just so happens that a midday cup of tea is my favorite way to find a moment of calm in the middle of the day. that gurgling kettle sound you describe and the soothing heat always seem to chill me out. i'd love to try these ones from TM! they sound terrific.
my moment of calm comes right before I go to sleep and take a few minutes to step away from my electronic devices and just talk to my husband while I unwind in bed. sometimes I finish it off with a little reading. π
monique.kaput (at) gmail (dot) com
As a nurse my moment of calm comes very early in the morning. I wake at 4:30 am and drink my tea while the rest of the world slumbers. Driving into work lighted by moonlight, I pass by deer and hardly anyone else. Itβs quiet, my favorite time of day, and I feel gratitude. β [email protected]
love Rosemary Gladstar and all she stands for! fresh herbs, good quality.
charlene0chen (at) gmail (dot) com
My moment of calm is my shower in the morning. I love taking my time shampooing and scrubbing thoroughly- it's therapeutic to spend some cherished time alone thinking before I start my day. I have the best thoughts in the shower!
[email protected]
My moment of calm is my shower in the morning. I love taking my time shampooing and scrubbing thoroughly- it's therapeutic to spend some cherished time alone thinking before I start my day. I have the best thoughts in the shower!
[email protected]
I work downtown in an office building so mid morning I okie to get outside and walk the river and park for 30 minutes. It clears my head and makes me smile to walk in the big old trees and it's so peaceful you forget your in the middle of the city. Then on my return to the office I make myself a cup of camomile and head into the afternoon refreshed. I can be contacted at mgogowich (at) gmail (dot) com
I always unwind every night with a cup of tea, my devotional, & a good novel. Sometimes I end up with only 5 hours of sleep when I can't put my book down, but I find it's well worth it. π
[email protected]
a drop of peppermint or lavender essential oil in the palms of my hands, rub together and I-N-H-A-L-E. instant calm.
Holding my sleeping baby boy. It's pure bliss.
Knitting gives me the kind of calm that I can't find anywhere else. A cup of tea really sweetens my knitting experience!!
I'm with you all the way – tea tea tea! I'm typically an English Breakfast kind of girl, but there's nothing like a cup of herbal tea late at night.
anne.pigula {a} gmail .dot. com
It's not always easy when it's been this cold outside, but talking a short walk and breathing in some fresh air is always a calming act. And an evening cuppa tea is always welcome, as well.
Nakwang (at) gmail (dot) com
Very solid rundown of the best traditional remedy teas to try out right now. Thanks for sharing.
Nothing like a cup of black coffee and a croissant to make the world a better place.
Traditional Medicinals is one of my favorite teamakers. Gypsy Cold Care is my winter go-to to feel warm and cozy and if I'm sick, there is nothing like their HerbaTussin! My go-to for calm: Lighting a candle and making a cup of tea after work to decompress. Nothing like it.
Thank you so much for this! My two favorite ways to find a calm moment in a busy or stressful day are with a cup of tea (complete with cozy blanket, cookie, and a good book) or a yoga class.
With lots of love,
Sleepytime tea is one of my favorites. Also a nice cup of coffee in the morning before the sun rises.
I find time after a shower after work. I make a cup of tea, slip into my robe and grab my book π
These tea looks so good! Crossing my fingers and toes I win!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I like to close my eyes throughout the day and take a few deep breaths- best way to relax! [email protected]
i love to step outside midday and spend some time looking up at the sky!
My favourite way to relax is with a cosy murder mystery, chopped apple and cheese for snacking, and some instrumental music in the background. By the by, I LOVE their Breathe Easy tea and swear by it as an asthmatic. It helps perfectly during a cold when bronchitis kicks in. ([email protected])
I could so use this right now, I have been sick for the last week which is just the worst! Tea is always my go to solution for everything. Whether for a particular ingredient's medicinal properties, the peace that the tea ritual brings, or just a warming cup of cheer, the genial beverage is my favorite way to calm. akm137(at)gmail(dot)com
On my deck watching the little birds in the trees, snuggled in a quilt, with a warm cup of tea.
stooddard(dot)paula at gmail(dot)com
My favorite is Chamomile with Lavender right before a busy night shift at the restaurant : ) [email protected] (ashleigh)
Serenity now…happy sipping!
Just seeing this now! Not a worry! And yes: just had a delightful cup of Rooibos on Friday! Happy tea/tisane drinking;)
I love the mug in the photos, could you please kindly share where did you buy it?
Many thanks!
It's from Brook Farm General Store!
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