For your viewing pleasure, a grainy little instagram shot with my very-much-on-its-last-legs phone, and a little Monday morning blog business in the form of an updated FAQ page. I think I’ve covered the biggies, but let me know if there’s anything I’ve forgotten. Questions, answered: HERE.
I don't know if it's because I agree with you a lot or what, but I have never thought you come across as judgmental. I've actually learned so much from you that I just wouldn't have thought of on my own.
People have opinions, bloggers share them, readers consume them, take what you like and leave the rest. I don't think I understand some people's expectations.
hi erin! i was wondering if you could maybe do a post on your career as a writer! you contribute to a lot of notable sites and i'm interested in how you got started in freelance work. did it start as a result of your blog? did you intern? thank you! xx
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