five little things that made my week.
1. this sourdough.{because james is back at it.}
2. these fancy nails .{but really the chance to spend a weekday morning out of the coffee shop office. nail tutorial forthcoming thisaway.}
3. this broken camera lens.{because even though i smashed it last week, the world kept spinning. and now i’ve got a good excuse for an upgrade.}
4. these decorative gourds.{tiny teeth marks included. and because. (warning: definitely not for the faint of heart).}
5. this wad of ones.{uncovered by my mom in a box with high school memorabilia. tips from the clam shack. i can practically smell the fryolator grease.}
other things.
i’m all signed up. you?
“i’m sorry, i just had this idea…”
another reason to learn how to sew.
looks like a good route. (pun intended.)
the science of cheap flights.
“i always change ‘girls’ to ‘kids’ because i don’t want my son to grow up to be a sexist moron.” love.
cookbook sale.
liz gilbert strikes again.
on board, of course.
judging a bottle by its label.
what else did i miss?
Just wanted to send a note through cyberspace: keep up the good work! Your blog is a daily read for me. I find it so cheerful and uplifting. I love that you prioritize ethical companies and celebrate the simple things in life.
Thank you, Laura!
Hi Erin,
Can I ask what kind of camera you shoot with?
Thanks! Emily
Answers and links to specifics in the FAQs!
Thanks Erin. Love the new site, by the way. Have a good weekend!
Hah! All of the pumpkins and gourds in my house have little teeth marks in them, too. I’ve decided they’re vegetables and it’s fine.
Oops! Make that fruits. Seeds inside, right?
Ha! Totally. Pick yer battles!
I read a lot of blogs with “Five Things” or “Friday Favs” and the like, most I gloss over and maybe click a link. But your word strategery (necessary made up word) gets me every time! Love these posts!
Latest Post: That Time I Cooked Octopus For Dinner ~
excellent list this week- i think i clicked on and read all the links. and i TOTALLY do the same thing with changing girls to kids in one fish two fish (or “one two fish” as my son calls it). for exactly that reason. why can’t boys brush and comb?! have a great weekend erin.
Oh no about your camera lens! Hopefully it is an easy (cheap!) fix xx
How fun are those old tip bills?!? Are you going to spend them or put them away for safekeeping?
Ha! You know? I always seem to make a new purchase “happen”, when I need it. I completely dropped both a phone and a lens the very same week. I must’ve summoned the new purchased by “accidentally” dropping both of them! Cheers to new equipment! XO
Even better than a Squam sewing pattern is to go to a Squam Art Workshop. Life altering.
wow– Patricia– I saw this comment– you just made my day!! XOXOXO
Try the 35mm 1.4. I think the two of you would get along really well.
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