out and about: portland et cetera.

November 5, 2015

portland, or reading my tea leaves
If you’ve been following along on Instagram, you might have noticed that we jetted off for a quick trip to visit family in Oregon last weekend. Since my sister Cait moved to Portland this summer, and since my sister Devan followed her there in September, and because we really kind of love Oregon, a trip out west was just what a long weekend called for.

portland, or reading my tea leavesOur visit was quick and our exploring tempered by naps and torrential downpours and pumpkin carving. With a piano and a fireplace and a backyard complete with chickens to distract us, it’s a wonder we left the house at all. portland, or reading my tea leaves
But cozy times at Cait’s new place aside, we managed to get out and about a bit and explore. Here’s a taste of the trip in photos and a list of some of our favorite spots, in case anyone has a similar wasnderlust itch to scratch.portland, or reading my tea leavesPLACES TO EAT:
Portland is hardly suffering from a dearth of very delicious places to eat. And truth-be-told, we didn’t have the time to make it to half of the places that have been recommended to us, but Cait and crew managed to introduced us to a whole bunch of new favorites:

BroderOh, dear me. This place is a dream come true. At the risk of fan-girling: the presentation is nearly as delightful as the food itself. The restaurant is cozy in the extreme and the food delicious. Experience not even tainted after a certain toddler dumped her entire glass of water into my lap.

Dove Vivi: Cornmeal crust pizza. We spent years in New York having Cait and Curt recreate Dove Vivi’s truly exceptional pies in their kitchen. And while I woudn’t wish away those very close appoximations made in a tiny East Village apartment, it was such a treat to try the real deal, brought home to enjoy before Trick-or-Treating. Spoken from experience: a slice of this pizza served cold and eaten under an umbrella pre-hike is no less delicious than a slice served piping hot.

portland, or reading my tea leavesPorque no?We took advantage of a break in the rain and walked to this yummy tacqueria on our first full night in Portland. We enjoyed our meal outside in the toasty outdoor seating area. Faye ate her weight in guacamole. The rest us of ate our weight in tacos (washed down with generous margaritas).

Bollywood Theater: My sister Devan’s working at this festive ode to Indian street food. We stopped by for early cocktails (and mango lassis) before bedtime. Next time I’m sending potato-allergic James for a walk around the block and getting the bhel puri.

Ned LuddMy brother-in-law’s mom and dad watched the kiddos one night while we slipped out for an early adults-only dinner. There was cauliflower to die for and an assortment of other fire-cooked fare to fawn over, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the chocolate chip cookie served in a cast iron skillet was my favorite thing. 

portland, or reading my tea leavesPLACES TO EXPLORE:

Powell Butte Nature ParkOn our first day in Portland, we took a rainy, windy walk up to the top of Powell Butte. The mountain finder at the top of the hike indicates all of the visible peaks. They are many, but they weren’t exactly visible. Added to the list of places to return to on a clear day.

Mount Tabor Park: The views of the city from this park are breathtaking, but as parents to a toddler, the beautiful forest playground is what really won our hearts. Swinging under the old-growth trees? Total magic.portland, or reading my tea leaves


Lost Lake Loop HikeOn Sunday, we loaded into cars and drove up and up and up to what levels out to be a very flat walk around Lost Lake. The “hike” is perfect for families and definitely recommended for a clear day, though the misty fog was moody and magical all the same. I mostly didn’t complain about being very wet and very cold.

Multonomah FallsJames and I passed by these falls on our last trip out to Oregon, but we didn’t have time to stop. It’s not everyday that you pass an enormous waterfall alongside a major highway. Even a five-minute break is worth it.

Full Sail Brewing CompanyHikes in the pouring rain need to be followed by a reward. We stopped into Hood River on our way back to Portland and enjoyed beers under the heat lamps at Full Sail Brewing Company.portland, or reading my tea leaves
And now we’re home in Brooklyn! Leave your Portland, OR favorites in the comments if inspiration strikes. We’ll be back!

More Out and About posts, RIGHT HERE.

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  • Reply Mefi November 5, 2015 at 11:20 am

    Love how you love Indian food. PS. I am Indian.

  • Reply Abbie November 5, 2015 at 12:10 pm

    Those photos are heart stopping. My father-in-law lived in Portland for just over a year during the 6 years my husband and I lived in LA, and we visited enough to fall desperately in love with the city. If our entire family wasn’t on the east coast, man we would be there in a second.

  • Reply Marika November 5, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    Love these! I live in Portland, and it’s nice to see my city through an outsider’s eyes. My recommendations for the next time you are here is breakfast or a snack at Grand Central Bakery. There are several locations around town and they are great for pastries, breakfast sandwiches, or bread for a picnic. I’m sure you know about Powells. I love going there to wonder around, even if I don’t want to get any books.
    There are lots of great hikes in the gorge and lesser known waterfalls. Latourell Falls is one of my favorite. You have to drive the historic highway to get there instead of 84, which means you can make a stop at Crown Point for a view. If you are in Hood River for a pit stop I recommend Double Mountain Brewery for lunch over Full Sail (I think their beer is better). And if the kidlet needs ice cream, Mikes can’t be beat.

    • Reply Erin Boyle November 5, 2015 at 12:17 pm

      Oh awesome! Thank you for the recommendations! We did make a stop for a peanut butter cookie at a Grand Central Bakery (and had really great morning pastries at Little T)! So much great food!

  • Reply Brady November 5, 2015 at 12:40 pm

    We went to Broder when we were out there and I still dream about their lattes.

  • Reply Stacy November 5, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    I too live in Portland and love seeing it through someone else’s eyes. We’ve been here for over a year and still have not hit every restaurant, bar or food truck on our list. It’s truly the best place to eat! Sounds like you had an amazing trip 🙂

  • Reply Meg November 5, 2015 at 4:01 pm

    Loved reading this. I’m from Portland and am longing for those cool rainy days that San Francisco seldom sees.

    Itching to try Dove Vivi! Adding that to my list of places to visit during my December stay in Portland. And Broder is perhaps my most favorite breakfast spot..

    A couple of other places I love:

    – Sweedeedee. Cutest little breakfast spot and bakery with killer honey pie. https://instagram.com/p/8VjdC7oWGq/
    -Blossoming Lotus. I’m far from being a vegan, but still have to stop into this place every time I’m home.
    -Olympic Provisions. They know their meat. Great place to get wine and charcuterie plates.
    -Renata. Wood-fired Italian spot. Hard to beat!
    -Blue Star Donuts. You won’t regret it!

  • Reply Roxy Robbins November 5, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    So glad yall had such a wonderful time, multnomah falls is amazing. You should check it out if you go in the winter too!

  • Reply abby November 5, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    I love Dove Vivi! And yes to Mt Tabor! What a beautiful park. Sounds like you had a pretty great taste of Portland.

  • Reply Claire November 6, 2015 at 9:46 am

    I love Portland too! Did you find time to stop at Powells? Maybe overwhelming with a little one but fun to browse! If you have any suggestions on how to handle a long flight with baby I’d love to hear!

    • Reply Erin Boyle November 6, 2015 at 10:49 am

      Not on this trip, but we have been in the past and hope to be there again in the near future!

  • Reply Katrina November 6, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    Broder and Bollywood Theater are two of my absolute favorites here. My husband and I like to walk to Broder for a weekend breakfast regularly–we went so much that one time the waiter gave us our aebleskiver order on the house, and it was pretty much the best thing ever.
    Good choices!

    • Reply Erin Boyle November 6, 2015 at 5:37 pm

      So delicious!

  • Reply Kim B. November 7, 2015 at 2:03 pm

    You all fit a lot in for not being there very long — and traveling with the wee one! I’d love to go there someday, I’ve never been.

  • Reply Theresa November 8, 2015 at 10:37 am

    Sounds wonderful! We’re headed up there soon and plan on staying in an AirBnb. Mind me asking what neighborhood you stayed in?

  • Reply Elisa November 9, 2015 at 6:49 am

    How lovely! I don’t have any favorites to share because I haven’t been to Oregon… yet. It’s in my travel bucket list! I have a friend who lived there for several years and I really regret not visiting her while she had a place in beautiful Oregon – so many places to visit, so little time!

    Lovely shots.

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